DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post December
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Sunday, 5th December, 2021

Bible Reading: Luke 19: 1-11

Memory VerseBut Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, “Look, Lord, half of my possessions I give to the poor, and if I have cheated anyone, I will repay it fourfold.”  Luke 19:8 (BSB)

Restitution means to bring back or return something to its rightful owner. Restitution means to pay back, compensation for a loss, damage or injury. People find the issue of restitution shameful, and even Christians are not left out. Restitution is the right thing to do no matter the cost. It might initially lead to a loss of reputation on the part of the person doing the restitution but, the other person in concern will have a rethink, and peradventure would want to know what happened to you.

Why should you practice restitution?

1. It shows that you have truly encountered Christ and have acquired a new lifestyle that doesn’t encourage keeping in your possession things that does not belong to you.

2. You are obeying the scriptures.

3. It is an avenue of telling people how you met God and the transformation that is taking place in your life.

4. It fosters love and good relationships with people.

Examples of people that made restitution in the Bible include:

1. Zaccheus the publican (Luke 19: 1-11)

2. Ben- Hadad the king of Syria (1 kings 20:28-34)

3. The king of Israel (2 kings 8:1-6).

4. The nobles and the rulers of Israel (Nehemiah 5: 1-13).

Now to you: What have you done in the past that needs to be restituted?

Caution: Certain restitutions such as a man who, before he became born again killed fellow human beings, had many wives, or used a neighbor’s child for money rituals, etc., needs much prayer, counsel and divine guidance. Meet a trained pastor full of the wisdom of God for further counseling before embarking on such restitution.

Quote: Restitution gives birth to full restoration.

Prophetic Decree: Receive divine guidance and courage for restitution, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Lord Jesus, thank you for the gift of salvation.

2. I come against the spirit of timidity and pride fighting my resolve to restitute, in Jesus name.

3. O Lord, give me wisdom needed for my restitution.

4. O Lord, prepare the heart of the people I have hurt in my past for forgiveness and reconcilation, in Jesus name.

5. Spirit of wisdom, possess me, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Corinthians 5-9

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