DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post August
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Tuesday, 23rd August, 2016.

Scripture Reading: 1 Cor.12:8-10

Memory verse for the week:   1 Sam 3:4

“The voice of the Lord said Samuel’s name; and he said, Here am I.” (BBE)

We shall begin to study the gifts of the Spirit under the 3 broad classifications. Let us start with the Revelational gift for today.

  1.  The gift of the Word of Wisdom

 This is the ability to make decisions and give guidance that is according to God’s will. This is the precious gift that Solomon asked for and received from God to be able to rightly rule God‘s nation (I Kings 3:12). With this, Solomon could understand what to do in difficult decisions. Wisdom is also associated with the fear of the Lord. Fear is simply standing in awe of God in reverence and respect. This gift describes someone who can understand and speak forth biblical truth in such a way as to skillfully apply it to life situations.

  •  The gift of the Word of knowledge

 It is supernatural knowledge and insight given directly to you by the Holy SpiritHimself, not by your own mind or your own intelligence level. They can cover anythingfrom something very trivial such as where you may have misplaced your car keys to giving you life-saving knowledge on how to solve an impending crisis or emergency.

Example of several ways this could manifest in a believer includes:

  1. How to solve a math problem at school as a student.
  2. Knowledge on what a certain Scriptural verse may mean and how it can apply to your own personal life.
  3. How to properly witness to an unsaved family member.
  4. Who not to work with among your circle of friends
  5. Word of knowledge that God wants to heal someone of a specific illness.

Many atimes, the Holy Spirit communicates a word of knowledge to us through the inner knowing / inner witness. All of a sudden, you will receive a without-a-doubt type knowing on the knowledge that He is trying to transmit to you. It can come in the form of a thought or an impression on your mind, or possibly come in the form of a vision or a picture in your mind’s eye.

  • The gift of discerning of spirits.

This is called the gift of “distinguishing between spirits”. Those having the gift of discernment have the ability to determine whether or not a message, person, or event is truly from God e.g. Paul was able to discern that a damsel possessed the spirit of divination in Acts 16:16-18. Discernment is needed to be able to recognize demon spirits, God’s angels and human spirits.



  1. I fire all revelational gifts in my life to expression, in Jesus’ name.
  2. My inner eyes, receive fresh fire, in the name of Jesus.

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