Sunday, 11th February 2024
Bible Reading: Acts 2: 38-41
Memory Verse: Will You not revive us and bring us to life again, That Your people may rejoice in You? Psalm 85:6 (AMP)
Nowadays, many churches have more members but fewer Christians. More structures, but less significance. Fewer revelations, but more stories. Less supernatural and more mechanical. Less spirituality and more administration. Less influence, but more sermons. Less spirituality and more carnality. More churches exist now, but their influence is decreasing. Lord, ignite our hearts. We invested a lot in advertisements and publicity, but very little to nothing in the fire of the Holy Ghost.
Do you not see that if billboards and fliers are the only methods of church expansion, then we are no less lost than sinners adrift in a huge, hopeless world. Billboards and fliers weren’t necessary for the Saints of old; all that was necessary was the Holy Spirit’s consuming fire in our hearts. Not radio jingles, fliers, billboards, eloquence of speech, theological degrees, or master’s degrees in management and psychology.
The Bible states that 3,000 individuals accepted Christ there and then because of the fire of God. Church, the fire is fading. We are using packaging and branding as a substitute for the flames of fire. I want to remind you. The fire of the Holy Ghost served as the church’s initial emblem. Rebranding is not something we can currently afford. Let’s not swap it out for anything else, please.
Billboards are necessary, but without the Holy Ghost fire, they are just another flexible material that is overflowing with text and colour. The fliers are vital, but if they don’t add to the fire that is already burning on the altar of the church, they will just be another colourful bit of trash. Publicity materials can be used to draw men, but not to keep them. Men are kept alive by fire.
Furthermore, I’ve been on this earth long enough to know that nothing is more alluring and fascinating than a fire that is on the move. John Wesley would have said, “I set myself on fire and watch the world come to see me burn. Men love to see fire burn.” Isn’t it unfortunate that men will enter the church as drunkards and leave the same way?
Isn’t it unfortunate that fornicators can enter a church and leave the same way they came? Isn’t it unfortunate that sinners will enter a church and still depart as sinners? It is much more repugnant that Christians would indulge in every sort of ungodliness and depravity while attending church. Lord, awaken your Church at this moment.
Quote: Nothing can ever substitute for the fire of Holy Spirit
Prophetic Decree: Receive fresh fire in your bones, in Jesus name.
Prayer Focus
1. Lord, we repent of misplaced priorities, in Jesus name.
2. Fresh fire, come upon the altar of the Church of Christ, in Jesus name.
3. We receive grace to be addicted labourers on the altar of prayers, in Jesus name.
4. Power of consecration, fall upon the Church, in Jesus name.
5. Let the grace for End time revival fire fall upon the Church, in Jesus name.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Exodus 36-38