DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post February
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Monday, 12th February 2024

Bible Reading:  Matthew 3: 10-12

Memory Verse: John answered all of them: “I baptize you with water, but One more powerful than I will come, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire. Luke 3:16 (BSB)

There are many Christians in the church who engage in backbiting, backstabbing, hatred, covetousness, carnality, pride, boasting, murder, etc. They attend church every day, every week, and every year while engaging in all manner of wicked behaviour, but there is no transformation, no spiritual conviction, and no provoking of repentance because there is no fire to convict them of their sins and consume every trace of ungodliness that would drive them to the altar of salvation.

Witches, wizards and other occultists now visit the church, sit down among us, shout hallelujah, raise their hands in false adoration and even utter prayers in frightening tones. Incredibly, since there is no fire, they are not revealed, apprehended, or set free by the fire of the Holy Spirit. They demean the God we profess to serve. God is described as a consuming fire, but has He ever ceased burning? Lord, please help us.

Some of us Christians say, “Lord, you may dwell in me, but do not let the flame of your Holy Spirit burn within me.” I don’t want to change my schedule since I like my life the way it is. Do not alter my behaviour. Don’t release me from my evil inclinations. Stay away from my destructive addictions. Don’t even try to influence my attitudes or choices. The phrase, “Lord, you can stay, but be quiet” is one that you constantly utter. Lord, help us to fall to our knees so that we might realise how damaged and broken we are without You.

Enough of the show. We need the true fire. There is much work to be done, including winning over souls to the kingdom, and reaching new heights. We cannot continue operating in the same manner. We can’t go on acting chilly and neutral any longer. Prophecies are being fulfilled during this critical period in history, and God is depending on us. We require the Holy Ghost’s fire. The fire’s dynamics draw people in.

Without the fire, men won’t be drawn to the gospel. The fire’s glow draws people in. Without the fire of God to lead men to us, they will be lost. The fire consumes and purifies. Let God’s fire refine us and produce pure gold from us. Let it likewise consume all acts of abomination and wickedness.

If we are not carrying the fire of God, the world will not be able to experience its heat. We require the holiness of God’s fire within us. We must be careful not to let the fire that should have been burning within us devour us. Set our hearts on fire for You, O Lord.

Quote:  Without conviction and impartation, Church becomes play.

Prophetic Decree: May the power of conviction and conversion be restored upon the Church, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus 

1. O Lord, set our hearts on fire for you, in Jesus name.

2. May sinners be struck with your Word, O God, in Jesus name.

3. O Lord, turn our Churches to true revival centres, in Jesus name.

4. O Lord, please correct the mentality of your ministers towards End-time service, in Jesus name.

5. Revival fire of God, come upon the Church, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Exodus 39-40

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