DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post December
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Saturday, 11th December, 2021

Bible Reading: Acts 2: 38-41

Memory Verse: Will You not revive us and bring us to life again, That Your people may rejoice in You? Psalm 85:6 (AMP)

A lot of churches today now have more members but less Christians. More buildings but less relevance. More stories, less revelation. More of mechanisms, less of the supernatural. More administration, but less prayer. More sermons, but less power. More flesh, less spirit. More churches, but less impact. Lord, set our hearts on fire. We put in so much into adverts and publicity but invest so little catching the fire of God. Church, don’t you realize that if our only Church growth strategy is billboards and flyers, then we’re not less lost than sinners wandering in a vast world of gloom.

The Apostles of Old had no need for billboards and flyers, all that was expedient was the fire of the Holy Ghost burning in their hearts. That was the attraction point, not billboards, not flyers, not radio jingles, not eloquence of speech, not a degree in Theology or a Masters in Management and Psychology. All these are good, but we must focus on what is most important which is the fire of God. When the Apostles contacted the fire, the Bible recorded that 3,000 souls were converted to Christ on that very spot. Church, we are losing the fire.

We are substituting the fire with packaging and branding. Can I remind you? The first logo of the Church was the fire of the Holy Ghost. The billboards are needful, but without the fire, it’s just another flex material flooded with colours and texts. The flyers are necessary but if they are not an extension of the fire burning on the altar of the Church, then it’s just another piece of colourful paper, worthy of the thrash can. You can attract men with publicity materials, but you can’t keep them with those. It’s the fire of God that keeps men. Nothing is more attractive and compelling than burning flames.

John Wesley would say: “I have realized that men love to see fire burn, so I set myself on fire and watch the world come to see me burn”. Isn’t it a shame that men will walk into the church as drunkards, and would walk out of its door still drunkards? Isn’t it a shame that people will walk into the church as fornicators and walk out of the door as fornicators? Isn’t it a shame that people will stroll into the church as sinners and still leave as sinners? It’s even more shameful that Christians would stay in church comfortably practicing all manner of ungodliness and wickedness. O Lord, revive your Church today.

Quote: Revival starts with you on the altar of prayers.

Prophetic Decree: May the fresh fire of revival fall upon the Church of God, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. The God amidst the seven candlestick, I worship You (Rev. 1: 12-13).

2. O Lord, revive your Church today, in the name of Jesus.

3. I come against the spirit of deception in the body of Christ, in Jesus name.

4. Purge your altar, O Lord, from all wolves in sheep clothes, in the name of Jesus.

5. Fresh fire of revival, come upon the body of Christ, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Romans 14-16

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