DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post January
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Wednesday, 4th January, 2017

Bible reading: Gen. 22: 1-19.

Memory Verse: “In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice “Genesis 22:18 (NKJV).

Obedience is a love commitment to the Lord (John 14:15-18, NIV)

1. You will have the joy of the Lord (Neh.8: 10).

2. You will eat of the abundance of your land (Isa. 1:19).

3. God will become an enemy to your enemy (Exo. 23:22).

4. Eternity will be your gain (Matt.7:21).

5. God will bless you and all that is yours (Deut.28:1)

6.It makes God committed to you in a Covenant relationship (Gen.22:12-18).

7. It brings long life (Deut. 4:40).

8. It brings unexpected favour e.g. Noah (Gen. 6:8).

9. It promotes worship (1 Sam. 15:22, NLT)

10. It brings power and authority e.g. King Jotham (2Chro. 27:6).

11. It brings blessing and multiplication e.g. Abraham (Gen. 22:16-17).

12. It brings generational blessings (Gen. 22:18).

13. It shall be well with your soul (Deut.5:29).

Quote: Be ready to look foolish before men because you dare to obey God.

Prophetic Word: May the Lord bring you to a place of absolute obedience in Jesus name.

Prayer points

1. Father, grant me a heart willing to obey You at all times in Jesus name.

2. My Father, deliver me from itching ears, in Jesus name.

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