Saturday, 23rd December 2023
Bible Reading: Genesis 2:10, Deuteronomy 8:18
Memory Verse: It is the blessing of the LORD that makes rich, And He adds no sorrow to it. Proverbs 10:22 (NASB)
This is one powerful secret you must learn in your journey in life. No man is an island. Can you try to picture about 6 rivers flowing into one particular river.
Should anything happen to any of the six rivers, surely it will affect the volume of water in the receiving river. Interestingly, you are that one river that needs the other six rivers in order to maximize your full potential.
Please hear me beloved: There are rivers of blessings that flows into your life. You must be humble enough to receive from them. Don’t block the flow of any of these rivers of blessings. One of such rivers is your tithe and offering. Secondly, the river of blessings that flows from your parents.
Thirdly, the river of blessing that flows from your spiritual parents. Fourthly, the river of blessings that flows by servicing your sacrificial covenant/vow to the Lord. Fifthly, the river of blessing that flows from your spouse and children.
If you are cheating on your spouse and not taking care of your children, you by your own self block one of the rivers of blessings God has destined to flow into your life (1Peter 3:7). Sixthly, your network – your friends and destiny connection.
Some people open their lives to the blessings of God that comes from honouring their Pastor but neglect the blessings of God that comes from honouring their Parents. The quota of blessings destined from God to reach them via their parents then will elude them.
There is a difference between one who is great and the other who is exceedingly great. Honour ALL the spiritual authorities over your life.
As the year draws to an end, please do make amends so that the coming year will be better than this year.
Quote: Honour your parents despite your differences.
Prophetic Decree: Let all the channels of your blessings blast open, in Jesus name.
Prayer Focus
1. Father, I repent of any way I have closed any of the doors of my blessings, in Jesus name.
2. I receive grace to humble myself to receive my destiny blessings, in Jesus name.
3. I receive the blessings that comes from my tithe and offering in Jesus name.
4. I receive the blessings that comes from honouring spiritual authorities over me, in Jesus name.
5. I receive the blessings that comes from honouring my spouse and children, in Jesus name.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Hebrews 11-13