Wednesday, 2nd February, 2022
Bible Reading: Romans 1: 18-32
Memory Verse: Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Romans12:1(NIV)
When you hear about virginity, the society tends to focus on the female folks perhaps because of their peculiarity. A man can also choose to be a virgin. Let’s talk on a broader plane. Sexual chastity or sexual purity includes being a virgin biologically, but also goes beyond that. A young woman committed a sexual sin. She repented and vowed to keep herself pure till her wedding night TO THE GLORY OF GOD. In the sight of God, she has been redeemed back to her divine original. On the other hand, there is this young man who hasn’t physically committed any sexual sin with any lady but masturbates and watches pornography. Such a man is perhaps worse than an infidel. His heart in the presence of God is unholy. This is one reason why we shouldn’t be a judge over another man’s servant. The heart of man is deceitful and terribly wicked, who can know it? Sexual chastity is an act of reverence to God. Sexual chastity is presenting your body, your mind, and your spirit on the altar of God to be used ONLY TO GOD’S GLORY. What happens in the deepest recesses of your heart when no one is watching though you call yourself a virgin? What are you doing with sex toys in the middle of the night? Don’t forget you still finger yourself though no man has ever touched you. Many are living in great self deceit. They console themselves by saying they are not having sex with another person, yet they use their body or mind to please themselves. No. What you do with your body or your mind is equally very important BEFORE GOD. Stop pleasing yourself. Don’t satisfy your lust. Please Jehovah. Let your focus be to please God with your body and equally with your mind. Then, you shall become a living sacrifice unto your Maker. Have a rethink today.
Quote: Many are living in self deceit. You can be a virgin and yet sexually immoral before God.
Prophetic Decree: The grip of sexual sin is broken over your life, in Jesus name.
Prayer Focus
1. Holy God, I worship your majesty.
2. Yoke of pornography over my life, break, in the name of Jesus.
3. Yoke of masturbation over my life, break, in the name of Jesus.
4. Altar of unrighteousness in my heart, catch fire, in Jesus name.
5. Holy Spirit, baptize me with your Spirit and grace afresh, in Jesus name.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Exodus 10-12