DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post October
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Sunday, 16th October, 2022

Bible Reading:  Matthew 5: 27-30

Memory Verse:  He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord. Proverbs 18:22 (ESV)

Symptoms of a sick relationship heading for the rocks include:

1. It Wasn’t Founded On God: What leading of the Holy Ghost can you point to before entering into the relationship? Did you have an inner witness, heavenly dream, vision, or deep inner peace before starting the relationship? Lean not on your own understanding (Prov. 3:5). Ask God before you start any relationship, and not after. Most often, people become so emotionally engrossed in a relationship before checking if God is in it, and consequently, can’t properly discern again.

2. The Interest And Interaction Is Limited To The Physical: You only feel passion and lust. All you talk about is sex and your bodies. There are no connection between you two either spiritually,  emotionally, or business-wise. Marriage is a mutual consent based on similar interest and value system.

3. The Circle Of Friends He/she Walks With Makes You Uncomfortable: Your relationship will determine a large percentage of your attitude and behavioural pattern. Don’t say when you have him/her, you will try to change him. Save grace, people hardly change. Such a person will only develop new skills of hiding and pretense. A person can be smoking, drinking, and partying for many years, but you will not know. Be sensitive. A stark unbeliever once came to Church only to marry this pretty Christian sister. After the marriage, he revealed his true self. He smokes, drinks alcohol, etc.

4. The Communication Is Irregular And Not Memorial: He couldn’t call you for a week or two. He says he is very busy. What? If you’re naive enough to accept that explanation, you deserve whatever you get. Don’t deceive yourself. He is not very interested in you. Love sure intoxicates.

5. Most Times, The Person Takes Decisions Without Considering Your Opinion: Obviously such a person doesn’t value you.

6. You Are Not Always Fully Yourself When You Are With Him/her:  How do you feel being with someone who hasn’t accepted you, and your background for who you are? Why should you keep pretending anytime you’re with him/her? From day one, you must be you. Shall we strike a balance. Accepting you doesn’t mean he/she shouldn’t be able to influence you positively. Keep your mind open to well-intended correction. He/She should be able to influence you to becoming a better person. Take me as I am, but don’t leave me as I was. That’s the mantra!

Quote: Emotional issues if not well handled can arrest your peace of mind.

Prophetic Decree: Any spiritual wall between you and your destiny spouse collapse by fire today, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. I rebuke powers sponsoring demonic relationship into my life, in Jesus name.

2. I break any marital curse working in my family, in Jesus name.

3. Blood of Jesus, heal my foundation, in Jesus name.

4. Open my eyes of understanding to know what to speak, how to speak, and when to speak in my marital relationship, in Jesus name.

5. I uproot any foundational character weakness such as anger, nagging spirit, etc, in my life, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Matthew 9-10

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