DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post November
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Fri., Nov. 17, 2017

Bible Reading: 2 Kings 2:7-14

Memory Verse: Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord James 5:14.

Batteries and inverters are medium for the storage of electrical charges. They provide an alternative means for the supply of light energy. Similarly, the anointing of the Holy Ghost upon God’s ministers can be stored in some materials. Cloth from Apostle Paul’s body were taken to people who were ill, and their diseases varnished; their evil spirits were expelled (Acts 19:12). Peter’s shadow also healed the sick and delivered the oppressed (Acts 5:15-16).When oil is anointed through prayers, it becomes a housing estate for the power of the Holy Ghost to heal the sick and do as demanded (James 5:14).

At the airport on a particular day, someone began to convulse. Fortunately, a radical Christian brother was nearby. Right there, he brought out his anointing oil. He anointed the one who was convulsing and the convulsion ceased.

A woman whose daughter had a complicated labour abroad rushed quickly to see her Prophet in Nigeria. The servant of God anointed two handkerchiefs and gave them to her. As soon as the handkerchief touched her daughter, the yoke of bewitchment was broken and her baby was delivered (Isaiah 10:27).  I curse bewitchment in your life in Jesus name.

The anointing upon a servant of God rubs off on anything he does and anywhere he goes. It is your responsibility to connect to it by faith. We are not to idolize God’s servants but we are to honour them and connect to the anointing of God upon their lives.

Quote: Tap into the spiritual network upon God’s choice servants. The network is ever available.

Prophetic Decree: May God connect you with the man having your Oil, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus:

  1. I will not miss the man carrying my jar of Oil, in Jesus name.
  2. Holy Spirit, help me to strategically position myself that I may not miss the day of my visitation in Jesus name.
  3. Holy Ghost bulldozer, destroy every wall separating my life from my miracle, in Jesus name.
  4. I receive the baptism of fresh wisdom, knowledge and understanding, in Jesus name.
  5. I will not miss the time appointed for my miracles, in Jesus name. 

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