DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post June
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Monday, 3rd June 2024

Bible Reading: 1 Peter 4: 17-18, 2 Timothy 3:5

Memory Verse:  For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins. Hebrews 11:26 (NIV)

Yes, you go to Church, but are you convicted? Are you really willing to embrace the full counsel/ statutes/ laws/ordinances of God for your life? Redemption and forgiveness, a similitude of the sin offering and trespass offering in the Old Testament (Colossians 1:14) have been given to us liberally by the power in the Blood of Jesus shed on Calvary, however it is your responsibility to willingly present yourself as a living sacrifice (similitude of the burnt offering in the Old Testament) before the altar of the Lord (Romans 12:1-2). Many who claim they are save are not consecrated. Consecration is a choice you will personally have to make for yourself.

You are going to Church but still have a girlfriend, boyfriend, sugar daddy, baby mama, sugar mummy, ‘side chick’, etc. You go to Church but you still watch pornography and subsequently indulge in masturbation. You are a member of the choir, but you still listen and dance to worldly music. No wonder when you lead praise and worship,  the atmosphere is so sensual and lustful filled with songs from Babylon modified as songs from Zion. The spirit of this world still hovers upon such songs though the lyrics as changed. Pastors who are wife beaters. Mother-in-Israel who are talkative and full of envy and jealousy; always suspicious.

Yes, you’re going to Church but you still watch ungodly films. Consecration is far from you. Your life is yet to become a burnt offering. Who are you deceiving? Some Christians will never allow another Christian to hold their phone for a minute. They are afraid they could flip through some hidden files containing pornographic videos. Friend, your sin will soon find you out. Church workers who have series girlfriends within and outside the Church. Church workers who are double dating. Church workers who are co-habiting with another worker.

What an abomination! Church workers who celebrate TGIF (Thank-God-It’s-Friday) in beer parlour with strange ladies. Friend, stop playing Church. You can’t serve God and mammon. You won’t have the best of God until you surrender you all to Him. Dear Church worker, I know you could be more anointed than your Pastor but that is the man whom God has validated to commission you for your next level. Be humble, else your impact will be limited despite the rich deposit of the grace of God upon your life. In this kingdom you don’t break rank and amount to anything.

Quote:  Walking with God should come before working for God.

Prophetic Decree: Receive grace to be radically devoted to God and to His work, in Jesus name.  

Prayer Focus 

1. Thank you Father for the redemption and forgiveness of my sins, in Jesus name.

2. Help my heart, O Lord, to consecrate myself to do only what pleases you, in Jesus name.

3. I receive grace to discipline and buffet my body that sin may not have dominion over me, in Jesus name.

4. O Lord, purge me within and withal. Help me Lord to become a living sacrifice in words, thoughts and actions, in Jesus name.

5. I receive grace and power to deal with all secret sins in my life, in Jesus name. 

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Proverbs 1-3

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