DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post August
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Wednesday, 24th August, 2022

Bible Reading:  Isaiah 40: 28-31

Memory Verse: But those who wait upon God get fresh strength. They spread their wings and soar like eagles, They run and don’t get tired, they walk and don’t lag behind. Isaiah 40:31 (MSG)

Another system of time redemption God has intelligently fashioned into time is waiting upon the Lord. One way to know if a man will travel far with the Lord is that such a man has made waiting upon the Lord his daily affair. This is another intelligence in the spirit God uses to confuse your enemies, restore wasted years, magnify his name amongst the heathen, and bring men to the actualization of their purpose despite their past mistakes, past hurt, vicious cycle of delay, series of disappointment, or perceived weaknesses. Our God indeed is an intelligent God. What do you think Elijah was doing for three years when there was no rain?

Waiting upon the Lord – worshiping, meditating, praying and having different encounters. What about Paul in the Arabia desert for three years? Little wonder the type of mysteries he shared was beyond this world. He mingled so deep with the Spirit of the Lord that he went ahead to become the greatest Apostle of the New testament after Jesus writing more than half of the New testament. Once barren Hannah waited upon the Lord for many years for the fruit of the womb only to birth a prophet whose glory far superseded all his other siblings that were born before him. With God, delay is not denial if only you can wait patiently on Him even as you receive relevant instructions (1 Sam.1: 1-20). Oh, your mates are riding the latest cars, going on foreign trips, building mansions, enjoying the proceeds of a well paid job while all you are doing is serving God in a local church with little or no renumeration.

Rejoice evermore. You’ve got all that qualifies a man to have a good job but you have chosen to obey strictly the instructions of God at that phase of your life. Don’t worry. Just make sure you finish well in your waiting season. Your new phase will confound your adversaries, dazzle your friends, and flabbergast even you such that you will look back and say, “Nothing lost, nothing missing”.    

Quote: There is a technology in the Spirit – You recharge, mount, run and walk while you wait upon the Lord.

Prophetic Decree: Your testimony of recovery and restoration will dazzle your enemies, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. I break the evil yoke of delay programmed into my life, in Jesus name.

2. O Lord, help me to sense what you’re doing in my waiting season.

3. I will not miss the opportunity to be mightily used by God due to impatience in my season of waiting, in Jesus name.

4. I reject perennial delay. I reject protracted wilderness. The journey of 40 days shall not be turned to 40 years, in Jesus mighty name.

5. I reject a plastic encounter. I refuse to forget or neglect the lessons imbibed in my waiting season. I refuse to go back to Egypt, in Jesus mighty name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 51-52

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