DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post October
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Monday, 30th October 2023

Bible Reading:  Ecclesiastes 9:10, Job 8:7

Memory Verse:  Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going. Ecclesiastes 9:10 (NKJV)

Hello brethren. Did you see the wisdom the Uncle used in our yesterday’s devotional to manage the situation when his brother’s wife asked him to sell her diamond in the face of desperation? That’s great wisdom! Furthermore is the wisdom deployed to make his nephew responsible by encouraging him to acquire new skills. Prior to the death of his father, the young man didn’t deem it fit to learn any skill.

Then, he was only interested in eating fish but not willing to learn how to fish for himself. Are you aware Jesus learnt carpentry as a teenager in the house of Joseph, his earthly father? Perhaps that was why the four desperate friends broke the roof to secure the healing of the one sick with palsy. Added to their faith and desperation, they were sure he will fix the roof if need be (Mark 2: 4-5).

Many teenagers and youths are playing away their precious time. They are too reliant on their parents. Your parents mustn’t do everything for you. At age 18, you shouldn’t be mummy’s pet any longer. Your mates have started working in some developed nations of the world and taking care of their lives. Wake up dear teenager, and let your destiny count. Go learn a skill.

You can learn coding, basic computer appreciation, internet marketing, website design, etc. Until you take personal responsibility, no one will take you serious. Unlike the young lad whose father died before he was forced to learn a handwork, don’t be a product of forced growth but intentional growth.

Why should God help your parents build a large business empire and they are looking outside for who will succeed them? There are businesses such as the Tata Group that has succeeded over four generations and still waxing stronger. There are ministries that have been passed from one generation to another.

It is true that your parents mustn’t always handover their businesses or ministries to you, however you must keep developing capacity and above all maturity. Grow up young man. Grow up, young lady. Do something for yourself.

Quote: I will rather learn how to fish than to keep asking for fish.

Prophetic Decree:  Receive grace to be an early riser in destiny, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Holy Spirit, please help me to take personal responsibility for my divine destiny.

2. I reject the lies I tell myself in Jesus name.

3. I receive wisdom for profitable hardwork, in Jesus name.

4. O Lord, help me to maximize the days of my youth, in Jesus name.

5. My father, please disconnect my children from negative influencers, in Jesus name.

6. I reject pride and superiority mentality complex, in Jesus name.


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