Sunday, 11th February, 2018.
Bible Reading: 1 Cor. 6: 17-20
Memory Verse: You shall not make any cuts on your body for the dead or tattoo yourselves: I am the LORD. Lev. 19:28 (ESV).
A young lady came to a servant of God for prayers. The young lady said nothing is working in her life. As they bowed down to pray, the Holy Ghost spoke: “This lady has a tattoo on her body”. When the lady was confronted she confirmed the Word. It was a tattoo her former boyfriend, Richard made on her as a covenant between them. The relationship broke up eventually. Richard went ahead to have as many as three wives. Richard till that day had access into her life through the tattoo.
From a research in 2014, one in five U.S. adults has at least one tattoo. Entertainers, professional footballers, students and adults have got tattoos inscribed on one part of their body or another. Listen: As a believer, you no longer own your body. 1 Cor. 6:19 (NLT) says, “Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself.” When you give your life to Christ, you change the ownership of your life. Your life does not belong to neither you nor the devil, but to the Lord. You must always live with the consciousness: “I AM THE TEMPLE OF THE HOLY GHOST”. The Holy Ghost lives inside of you. A temple must never be desecrated (polluted). That is your new identity! That movie or football star, American idol, entertainer or any other influential person with tattoo all over his body is not your role model. Jesus alone should be your role model. Can Jesus have tattoo on his body? Do you have any tattoo in your body? Repent today, go clean it off and break any evil covenant that might have been established.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Exodus 36 – 38
Quote: Tattoo is a desecration of your body.
Prophetic Decree: The wrath of God shall not come into your bosom in Jesus name.
Prayer Focus:
1. My Father, forgive me in any way I have desecrated my body.
2. I break any conscious or unconscious evil covenant working against my life as a result of putting tattoo on my body.
3. Super Blood of Jesus, cleanse me today, in the name of Jesus.
4. I cancel any curse I have brought upon myself by desecrating my body in Jesus name.
5. Deliverance fire of God pass through my life today in Jesus name.