DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post February
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FEB 6, 2020.

Bible Reading: Habakkuk 3:17-19

Memory Verse:Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (ESV)

The heart of man is deceitful and terribly wicked. Usually, we are all quick to forget the goodness of the Lord in our lives. Dear friends, there is no man without a dark spot in his/her life. There will always be one problem or challenge in every life. It should remind you that you will always need God. But, you mustn’t keep your gaze on all the things that aren’t right in your life. What you behold, you become. A brother was frustrated, dejected, hopeless and fearful as he laid down beside his bed. There, the Holy Spirit whispered these words: Dear son, can you still thank me for all I have already done?

Don’t wait to see results or receive rewards; thank Me right now. Don’t wait to feel better or for things to get better; thank Me right now. Don’t wait until people say they are sorry or until they stop talking about you; thank Me right now. You shouldn’t wait until the pain in your body disappears; thank Me right now. You shouldn’t wait until your financial situation improves; thank Me right now. You shouldn’t wait until the children are asleep, and the house is quiet; thank Me right now. You shouldn’t wait until you see the result of your missing examination scripts; thank Me right now.

You shouldn’t wait until you get promoted at work or until you get the job; thank Me right now. You shouldn’t wait until you pass the exams or gain that admission, thank Me right now. You shouldn’t wait until you understand every experience in your life that has caused you pain or grief; thank Me right now. You shouldn’t wait until the journey gets easier or the challenges are removed; thank Me right now. Thank God because you are still alive. Thank God because you made it through the day’s difficulties. Thank God because you will overcome the obstacles. Thank God because you have the ability and opportunity to do more and do better. Thank God because He hasn’t given up on you. An attitude of gratitude will always increase your altitude. Your state of mind will always affect your mood and feeling. Rejoice evermore.

Quote: Take one day at a time; give Him praise.

Prophetic Decree: I rebuke joy killers in your life, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Sing the song: I still have joy (2ce). After all I have being through, I still have joy.

2. I decree: My joy shall not be stolen, in the name of Jesus.

3. I receive a heart of gratitude and exceptional praise no matter my condition, in Jesus name.

4. Holy Spirit, help me to master my emotions, in Jesus name

5. I come against powers that steal joy and happiness, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Exodus 22-24

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