DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post December
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Monday, 7th December, 2020.

Bible ReadingMatthew 18: 6-9

Memory Verse:  Great peace have they who love your law: and nothing shall offend them. Psalm 119:165

One grace I pray will come upon you and I is the grace that lives far above offences. Say: I receive it, in Jesus name. Friend, close your hands tight. Can you receive anything? Definitely not. But as soon as you open it, you will be able to grab many things. This same principle applies to offence. You close your life and your destiny to the blessing God has designed to come from that relationship and union when you hold on to offence. Why should you be a stumbling block to yourself? People get offended when their expectations are not met.

Both the offender and the one being offended are under the influence of the activities of the flesh. The foundation of self is disappointed expectations and of course, the flesh profits nothing. Friend, the devil is fighting your harvest and that is why that relationship with your spouse, boss, parents, and business partner is getting more and more turbulent by the day. Deliberately choose to forgive.

Walk in love. Love covers a multitude of sin. Free your mind from all bitterness, unforgiveness, and pain. Look at the joy that is set before you and learn to endure with people. A river that does not flow cannot be fresh and will soon become a home to condensed filth. A stagnant river harbours nothing but degeneration, bitterness and death. This is why the Dead Sea has no visible life in it. Offence can be likened to that stagnant water.

Any relationship that will bring you closer to the fulfilment of your prophecies will surely attract the spirit of offence. You must learn to discern. See the devil behind the veil using men only as instruments of stumbling block, pain and hurt. Please vow not to lose your destiny on the grounds of offence. Offence must surely come. Be warned. When the devil is about to invoke crisis, he starts with offence.

In the school of destiny, some of the people destined by God to lift you up will initially pick an offence against you or you against them. You must kill that spirit in love. One way to do that is to sow a seed into their lives. Be sure it won’t be easy on your flesh. Read Psalm 126:6. But, it works like fire. Believe me, beloved. Give love when you are meant to give hatred. Love is the simplest, cheapest and most powerful weapon of massive spiritual warfare (1 Cor. 12: 31).

Quote: The choice is yours – walk in offence or walk in love.

Prophetic Decree: Let the channels of love spring forth from your heart, in Jesus name. 

Prayer Focus

1. Thank you Jesus for loving me even when I don’t deserve it.

2. I empty myself of all offence manifesting as revenge, bitterness, malice, hatred, unforgiveness towards my (spouse, child, boss, parents, pastor, co-worker, colleagues, subordinate etc.), in Jesus name.

3. I receive grace to rise from where I have fallen, in Jesus name.

4. Fire of agape love, choke the spirit of offence in my heart, in Jesus name.

5. Pray with Romans 12:17-21

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:   Acts 20:1-3; Rom.1-3

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