Fri Apr 21, 2017
Bible reading: Acts 2: 44-47
Memory verse: “Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common” Acts 2:44(NKJV)
An Island is a “lonely’ piece of land surrounded by water. God never created us to be an Island. He created us primarily to worship Him and to fellowship with Him. In that same way, God expects us to value the relationships He brings our way.
”Alone you can ‘say’ but together we can ‘talk’ or ‘discuss’.”
“Alone you can ‘enjoy’ but together we can ‘celebrate’.”
“Alone you can ‘smile’ but together we can ‘laugh’.”
Talents win the game, but teamwork wins championship. We can hardly be anything without people.
You can only be a teacher, when there are students. You can only be a leader when there are followers. You can only be a seller when there are buyers.
I know for sure that some people are simply unlovable. Nevertheless, do not allow a streak of ink spoil the entire ocean. There will always be few good friends around.
Appreciate people around you and keep your good friends. Never take anyone for granted, even when they appear weak. Never look down on anyone unless you are admiring their shoes. Only God is All-sufficient, we need each other.
Quote: No man is an Island.
Prophetic Word: Receive the spirit of discernment, in Jesus name.
Prayer Focus:
- I receive grace to love & appreciate my neighbours, in Jesus name.
- Powers working against my destiny contact die, in Jesus name.
- I receive wisdom to discern profitable relationship, in Jesus name.