DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post July
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Monday, 12th July, 2021

Bible Reading: Genesis 1: 26-28

Memory VerseAnd God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion…Genesis 1:28a

One of the most powerful forces on earth is the force of “The Blessing”. The Blessing of God is that supernatural force that creates the capacity, it compels the conducive environment, and commands the platform for you to prosper. It is a supernatural force that brings men and resources your way until you are fruitful, you multiply, you replenish, subdue, and gain dominion anywhere the sole of your feet shall stand. Why do you think Abraham was unruffled when Lot chose the best of land before they separated. He knew He carried the blessings of God that brings water even out of the desert. “The blessing of the LORD brings wealth, without painful toil for it.” Proverbs 10:22 (NIV). YOU CANNOT BE TRULY WEALTHY WITHOUT A SUPERNATURAL FORCE BACKING YOU UP.

Three  important  insights:

1. It is almost impossible to access divine prosperity with a mindset of bondage and scarcity: Prosperity is first a mindset and your mindset determines your self talk. Don’t carry the evil mindset of “money is scarce”, “the economy is not favourable”, “my foundation is my limitation”, “I don’t deserve to prosper”, “there is no way out of this situation”. Instead, tell yourself, “I can make it”, “I am a working millionaire”, “I am blessed”. From Proverbs 23:7 we know that you can’t think right and get wrong. It is also true that you can’t think wrong and get right. The proof of a good thought is a good confession. If you are always thinking wrong, you cannot make an headway in life.

2. To guarantee an expected end, you must engage in daily behaviours that will reinforce your goals: What you do daily will become who you eventually become ultimately. No matter the amount of holy and anointed hands that is laid on you, should you do the wrong things, you will end up in the wrong place. Anointing is not the only guarantee for success (Joshua 1:8). However, it is a sure guarantee for success if rightly applied. Success in life is like a soup having  different ingredients  Your habits creates your spiritual habitat. You will not access prosperity unless you build habits that facilitates it.

3. The bigger your aspirations, the bigger the help you will need both from God and man: Nothing that is truly worth it is done alone (2 Chron. 26:16). When God wants to help a man, he simply brings other men and creates destiny changing opportunities.

QuoteThe blessing of God is a supernatural magnetic force that compels men and resources.

Prophetic Decree: I decree that you are blessed and cannot be cursed, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Thank you Father for pronouncing me blessed because I cannot be cursed.

2. By the blessings of God, I break out from any foundational limitation, in Jesus name.

3. By the blessings of God, I will succeed above my contemporaries, in Jesus name.

4. By the blessings of God, I come out from any evil family curse that held others down, in Jesus name.

5. By the blessings of God, I come out of sicknesses and diseases, in Jesus name.

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