Friday, 1st March 2024
Bible Reading: Mark 8: 36 – 37
Memory Verse: Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth, Before the difficult days come, And the years draw near when you say, “I have no pleasure in them”. Ecclesiastes 12:1 (NKJV)
I will not stop to cry about the need for the Church to do everything possible to keep and preserve their youths, especially those with great talents, else the devil will keep taking advantage of us. In recent times, the news of a young man who had perhaps sold his soul to the devil appeared in the news.
The first thing that caught my attention was his stage name, and afterwards his original name. The stage name depicts, “I AM BAD”, while his real name means “THE PROMISE OF GOD”. His second name means “THE LIGHT OF GOD”. I couldn’t but wonder the paradox! Something must have gone wrong somewhere. Obviously, the enemy has hijacked another arrow in the quiver of the Almighty.
The Church of God, please wake up. Parents must become more responsible to their responsibilities. Good parenting is the first ministry of all Parents. Give birth to the number of children you can properly train up in the way of the Lord. This young man must have started his music ministry in the church choir. Something went wrong somewhere, then he turned over to the world and converted a ‘music ministry’ to a ‘music career’ hinged on money.
The talent meant to the glory of God was used to “serve tables”. He became famous, he saw the money and the beauty of the world. Within him, perhaps that still small voice of the Holy Spirit could have been reaching out to him, but he was already trapped. When will I become rich, famous, drive exotic cars, etc, must have been some of his many contemplations. He gained the world as an exchange for his soul (Mark 8: 36-37).
I hate to be a proclaimer of bad news, but I must be frank with you. The body of Christ will continue to witness this type of loss if we don’t pay cursory attention to the children, teenage and youth ministry with particular emphasis on discipleship. We need more kingdom financiers and kingdom minded record labels that will develop and not exploit emerging kingdom talents.
Imagine if we have a kingdom academy for young music talents just as we have football academy where youngsters can acquire quality education and at the same time fan the flame of their music talents to expression to the glory of God. Think about this.
Quote: There is a pathway to glory in the kingdom of God. Who will show the younger generation the way?
Prophetic Decree: You will not be a loss to the kingdom of God, in Jesus name.
Prayer Focus
1. Lord, we repent of our negligence to the youngsters of this generation.
2. My children shall not be a loss to the kingdom of God, in Jesus name.
3. We break the power of hell in a rush to harvest the children of God, in Jesus name.
4. O Lord, grant your Church kingdom financiers with a burden for the talented teens and youths, in Jesus name.
5. I shut the mouth of the dragon ravaging the teenagers and youths, in Jesus name.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Numbers 14-15, Psalm 90