DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post June
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Sunday, 6th June, 2021
Bible Reading: 2 Samuel 7: 1-16 Memory VerseBut My mercy shall not depart from him, as I took it from Saul, whom I removed from before you. 2 Samuel 7:15 (NKJV)   Again I say unto you, dearly beloved, the surest way to walking with God is via covenant. Covenant operates on the principle of interchange. That is, God is committed to you while you are also committed to Him. Amongst such covenants include the covenant of mercy. There was a firebrand Christian. On this particular day, his wife was in the labor room. He had prayed all manner of prayers, but the baby refused to come out. Then, he resorted to a simple but powerful prayer: O Lord, have mercy on my wife. Within the space of few minutes, the baby came out.   No matter how strong you are spiritually, one day, you will meet a problem that is bigger than you. Fall back on the covenant of mercy. It was the covenant of mercy that delivered David from his strong enemies (Psalm 18:17). Some very hard mysterious problems surrounding your life won’t receive solutions until you come to the end of yourself, your labor, your fasting and cry to the throne of mercy (Heb. 4:16). Many who stumbled on ground breaking discoveries were powered by this same covenant of mercy. It can only be the mercy of God that will make a one-time arch-sinner turn General overseer of the fastest growing Christian community worldwide.   It was mercy that made a man condemned to die in prison (infarct his death sentence had been signed by the then Military Administrator), turn Civilian President. It was the covenant of mercy that made Joseph sleep in the prison on a particular night, but reigned in the palace at sunrise. Mercy can turn poverty to prosperity overnight. Ask Obed-Edom (2 Sam. 6:11)! Mercy says, “Yes, I know you are guilty, but your sins have been blotted out; no traceable record anymore. Go and sin no more”. It was mercy that spoke on behalf of the thief on the right hand of Jesus when he was on his way to hell.   Mercy will cause your arch-enemies nominate you for a position in your absence. Mercy will cause them to tell the board of decision makers, “We don’t like him, but he is best suited for the job”. The covenant of mercy will cause your adversaries reverse all the evil done against you by themselves. Mercy prevails over judgement. Mercy is the forerunner of favor. Mercy is powerful.   How do you connect to the covenant of mercy? 1. You must be born again (John 3:3). 2. Put God first in all you do (Mat. 6:33). 3. Obey all divine instructions especially those SACRIFICIAL instructions God gives you (Psalm 50:5). 4. Be passionate about soul winning. 5. Renew the covenant of mercy everyday over your life. 6. Stay humble.   Quote: Mercy is the cheapest and most powerful product available on demand for both the sinner and the Saint for destiny fulfillment.   Prophetic Decree: The Lord shall renew His covenant of mercy over your life and family every day, in Jesus name.   Prayer Focus 1. Father of all mercies, we thank You. 2. O Lord, let your covenant of mercy prevail over my life and destiny, in Jesus name. 3. O Lord, let your covenant of mercy prevail over my family, in Jesus name. 4. O Lord, let your covenant of mercy prevail over my business, in Jesus name. 5. O Lord, let your covenant of mercy prevail over my ministry, in Jesus name.   BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Proverbs 10-12    

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