DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post April
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Monday, 18th April, 2022

Bible Reading:  Isaiah 60:2

Memory VerseAnd every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; this is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming, and now it is already in the world. 1 John 4:3 (NASB)

Many Christians are caught in the web of this End Time demonic antichrist agenda. A young lady who was praying seriously to participate had the following interaction with a Journalist:

Q:- Are you a Christian?  A:- Yes, I’m even a worker in my Church.

Q:- Do you know that (mentions name of a particular reality show) is full of immoral activities?   A:- Yes, I know. Do you know how much is involved? I will do it, after all I’m not a virgin.

Brethren, it is painful that our generation is actually in the dispensation that the prophet Isaiah was referring to when he spoke about a generation covered with darkness (Isaiah 60:2). This means a generation with no illumination, a generation ignorant of the devices of Satan, and a generation that lacks knowledge. There is no hunger for the things of the Spirit, but fake love for God and uncontrollable appetite for sex, power and money.

This has gotten so bad that many don’t even see what is wrong in front of them because they are so spiritually and morally depraved. This generation had better be warned. Reality Shows isn’t just for entertainment and profit making alone. It is actually an intelligent, consciously calculated testing ground for something that has been prophesied in 1 John 4:3. A common reality show has its logo as an eye.

This eye is what is known as The Eye of Horis. This is an ancient occultic symbol used in invocation of spirits. This particular reality show in context is actually an adumbration (foreshadow) of the 1984 book written by George Orwell. In his book, he emphasized on a big brother; and even until now a lot of fans couldn’t add up what or who the big brother really was, because he was not seen in the characters of that book but he was conversing with the characters.

Wake up. History is playing out. Don’t be a victim of demonic mind control and cheap prey of the anti-christ. Ecclesiastes 1:9 (NLT) says, “History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new.”

QuoteThe devil is relentless in selling his many products through various means to this undiscerning generation until he leads them to hell while they smile along the way. #DancersAtTheGateOfHell 

Prophetic Decree: Receive the power to say no to the 21st century schemes of the devil, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Thank you Father for your hard truths.

2. I repent of anyway I have used my faculties as a tool to glorify the works of the devil, in Jesus name.

3. I reject every mind controlling system of the devil, in Jesus name.

4. I refuse to be a dancer at the gate of hell, in Jesus name.

5. We expose the very many works of the devil. Our generation shall serve the Lord.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Psalm 17, 35, 54, 63

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