DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post July
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Wednesday, 20th July, 2022

Bible Reading:  Romans 6: 15-23

Memory Verse: Don’t you realize that you become the slave of whatever you choose to obey? You can be a slave to sin, which leads to death, or you can choose to obey God, which leads to righteous living. Romans 6:16 (NLT)

Other Important Facts About Your Flesh Include:

8. You will begin to walk in the Spirit when you master the way of death.

9. Dealing with the flesh is not a gift, but a process powered by the Holy Spirit at work in your will.

10. If you have not mastered your flesh, anything God gives you (money, fame, anointing, influence or affluence, etc) is a waste and could ruin you.

11. Adam was in the midst of revival. The Bible says the Lord came again and again in the cool of each day, but his flesh still went ahead to truncate revival because he had no rule over his appetite.

12. As in the days of Noah, water from below the earth and water from above the earth rained until all flesh were swallowed up. Similarly, until the Spirit of God is poured upon us from on high, our flesh cannot be swallowed up in victory (Isaiah 32:15).

13. Like a child who desires to walk, it takes a step by step process to master walking in the spirit. Similarly, it takes learning and consistent exercising of our will by the enabling power of the Holy Ghost before we can put our flesh and its desires under subjection.

14. Until you reckon yourself dead to sin, you will not live above your flesh.

Quote: The flesh resists this daily humiliation, first by a frontal attack, and later by hiding itself under the words of the spirit (i.e. in the name of ‘evangelical liberty’). We claim liberty from all legal compulsion, from self-martyrdom and mortification, and play this off against the proper evangelical use of discipline and asceticism; we thus excuse our self-indulgence and irregularity in prayer, in meditation and in our bodily life. But the contrast between our behavior and the word of Jesus is all too painfully evident. We forget that discipleship means estrangement from the world, and we forget the real joy and freedom which are the outcome of a devout rule of life. As soon as a Christian recognizes that he has failed in his service, that his readiness has become feeble, and that he has sinned against another’s life and become guilty of another’s guilt, that all his joy in God has vanished and that his capacity for prayer has quite gone, it is high time for him to launch an assault upon the flesh, and prepare for better service by fasting and prayer (Luke 2:37; 4:2: Mark 9:29;  1 Cor. 7:5) – Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

Prophetic Decree:  By the anointing of the Holy Spirit, master your flesh, in Jesus name

Prayer Focus

1. Activities of witches and wizard of my father’s house shall no longer prosper in my flesh, in Jesus name.

2. Every ladder of the devil into my life through the instrumentality of my flesh, be broken, in Jesus name.

3. Authority of the Old man in my life has been neutralized by the Blood of Jesus. I am no more bound to my weaknesses, in Jesus name.

4. My body, hear the Word of the Lord. Henceforth, you belong to the Holy Spirit, in Jesus mighty name.

5. I receive grace to work in ease far above my human limitations, in Jesus mighty name.


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