DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post December
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Tuesday, 22nd December, 2020.

Bible Reading: 2 Samuel 9:1-13

Memory VerseDavid asked, “Is there anyone remaining from Saul’s family I can show kindness to because of Jonathan?” 2 Samuel 9:1 (HCSB)

During the Nigeria-Biafra civil war, many Igbo people fled from other parts of the country to the East due to civil crisis just as much as the Hausas fled to the North from the East for that same reason. Many abandoned their homes, properties and businesses for reasons of safety. One of those who fled to the East was a young Igbo Architect, who had a young Yoruba banker as a neighbour in Apapa, Lagos. He also abandoned his home and properties and with his family, fled to the East.

However, the young Yoruba banker, while the war raged, rented out his neighbour’s house after packing to safety all the properties belonging to the Igbo Architect and kept every kobo for him while he was in the East. In 1970, after the war ended, the Igbo Architect returned to Lagos and, to his surprise, the Yoruba banker handed over the entire proceeds of the rent and also the house and properties to the Igbo Architect.

A few years later, the Igbo Architect became the Vice President of Nigeria and the Yoruba banker established a commercial bank; the first of its kind by a private citizen in Nigeria. But he could not get a license to begin banking operations. Banking institutions stood rigidly against him. Then the banker remembered his neighbour who was now the Vice President of the country, Nigeria. He had tried many times to get an appointment to see the Vice President in his office but it was without success. He and his wife then decided to track him to the Christ Church Cathedral, Marina, Lagos on a particular Sunday.

In the Church, the security men would not allow them near the Vice President. The couple then decided to sit by the pew close to the aisle with the hope that the Vice President would see them as he walked to the front row. Yet, he still didn’t see them. After church service, they believed he will see them on his way out but people around him and the security men blocked them. That was when the banker’s wife decided to take that feminine risk and literally pulled the Vice President’s attire to get his attention.

The Vice President turned and saw his old friend and his wife. The young banker quickly narrated his plight and told the Vice why he needed to see him. “Don’t worry about that. Just come tomorrow, the Vice President assured him. At 3.00 pm the next day, the Finance Minister called the banker on telephone telling him that his license was ready. End of story! That young banker was Otunba Michael Olasubomi Balogun while the Igbo architect in this narrative was Dr. Alex Ekwueme, former Vice President of Nigeria under Alhaji Shehu Shagari presidency. The bank is what is now known as First City Monument Bank (FCMB). Sometimes favour obtained today is as a result of good deed of yesterday. Sow the seeds of favour into your tomorrow.

Quote: It is good to be good

Prophetic Decree: Receive a heart that does good in all seasons, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Thank you Father for your favour upon my life, in Jesus name.

2. Mercies of God erase all my mistakes in the heart of my would-be destiny helpers, in Jesus name.

3. O Lord, embarrass me with your favour today, in Jesus name.

4. I receive grace to correctly position myself for dumbfounding favour, in Jesus name.

5. I refuse to allow my today destroy my tomorrow, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:   Hebrews 7-10

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