DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post February
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Wednesday, 9th February, 2022

Bible Reading: Galatians 6: 7-9

Memory VerseDon’t be misled—you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant. Galatians6:7(NLT)

Teacher Harry was very sad when he heard about the death of his dear mother in the village. He least expected it because his mum only complained of a slight headache and needed just first-aid medical attention. Teacher Harry rushed to the village to ascertain the facts and cause of his mum’s death. At the village clinic, the medical doctor invited him inside his office to explain the circumstances that led to his mum’s death. The doctor stared at his table before opening his mouth to say: “Teacher Harry, this is the prescription written for your mother”. He lifted the paper into the air as though he was showing it to God. He continued, “Instead of this drug on this paper before me, she was administered a wrong one” showing the empty container to Teacher Harry. “It was thirty minutes later before it was noticed by one of our senior nurses who was also going to get a drug from the pharmacy.” the doctor added. “Teacher Harry, we are very sorry for this mishap. Forgive us,” the doctor said. Teacher Harry asked, “May l please see the two nurses? I mean the one who gave out the drug and the one who administered it.” The doctor pressed the office bell on his table and a young nurse rushed in. “Please call me Nurse Ade Blessing and Nurse Rhoda Okonkwo,” the doctor instructed. Teacher Harry’s heart leapt upon hearing the two familiar names. Teacher Harry was dumbfounded when he finally saw the figures standing before her. They were those two students she aided to pass their exams. She smuggled their answer booklets out of the exams room for some scouts to copy the answers for them. Each scored A1 in Core Biology and Health Science, B2 in Elective Body system. Their grades could be envied by even a professor. The doctor watched Teacher Harry expecting a certain line of action, but Teacher Harry turned slowly towards the doctor and whispered silently in pain, “l murdered my mother five years ago.”

MORAL LESSON: Are you a teacher, tutor, or someone that has something to do with academics? What role are you playing today in that academic world? Will that role be better for the system or make it worse? All those aiding examination malpractice and those camping students in “special centres” should know that they will also reap from the same corrupt society tomorrow. What goes around comes around.

Quote: What you sow, you shall reap

Prophetic Decree: All those making merchandize of the academic future of this nation shall be utterly disgraced, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Thank you Jesus because you are the greatest Teacher.

2. My Father, teach me great and mighty things that I need to know, in Jesus name.

3. All unscrupulous individuals sabotaging the educational system shall be uttterly exposed and disgraced, in Jesus name.

4. My Father, guide our leaders right. Help them to renumerate teachers well, in Jesus name.

5. May all teachers receive grace for multiple streams of income, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Exodus 30-32

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