Thursday, 2nd December, 2021
Bible Reading: Psalm 89:34
Memory Verse: Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments. Deuteronomy 7:9 (NIV)
Our God is a covenant keeping God. A covenant is a system of mutual interchange anchored on the infallibility of God’s Word and God’s integrity. Very many years ago in a prophetic service, God located a particular brother. “If you will serve me, I will make you wealthy”, God said through one of his servants. This brother began to serve God more than ever before, and his way began to open up.
But suddenly, he became too busy for God attending meetings all over the world. He hardly attends Sunday service, not to talk of weekly service. He relegated God who opened his doors. Soon a USD 400,000 contract went bad. The government cancelled the contract when our brother had almost completed the whole project. What a rude shock. This young brother developed a heart attack. Then, he remembered the house of God.
On the other hand, there was another brother who entered a covenant with God to always feed all the congregants during the annual conference of his Church. He kept doing it, and God kept increasing Him on all sides. Brethren, if you will keep your own side of the covenant, you will enjoy God. After many years, on the day one of the annual conference, without pre-informing his Pastor, they suddenly found out the numerous bread he always served the congregants for breakfast was not available. He had earlier picked up an offence against his man of God.
Offence is one way the devil uses to turn our back against God and His anointed. Please flee from offence. There are some battles you cannot win even if you are right. Please take note of this all-important statement. There at the conference, it was a rude shock. Many years later, this same man who had over 14 cars couldn’t boast of one good car when he appeared again before his Pastor repentant. When the widow in 2 kings 4:6 refused to get more jars, the oil stopped flowing. Your continuous prosperity is backed up with a covenant. Play your own part despite all odds.
Quote: Your continuous prosperity has a condition attached: God first.
Prophetic Decree: The covenant of God shall not fail in your life, in Jesus name.
Prayer Focus
1. Covenant keeping God, how I love You.
2. My Father, I refuse to be a shadow of myself, in Jesus name.
3. Covenant keeping God, do what only you can do in my life, in Jesus name.
4. I reject the spirit of offence, in the name of Jesus.
5. Holy Spirit, help me to keep God and His service first in everything I do, in Jesus name.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 1 Corinthians 12-14