DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post April
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Friday, 9th April, 2021

Bible Reading: Isaiah 55: 8-9, Isaiah 28:10, 60:22

Memory VerseHe revealed his character to Moses and his deeds to the people of Israel. Psalm 103:7 (NLT)

Many couldn’t believe in the Messianic mission of Jesus because of the circumstance surrounding His birth. How can a long prophesied king of Israel come without pomp and pangeantry? Worst still, He was born in a manger. Ridiculous!? A king is synonymous to stardom, fame and royalty. But, God’s ways is usually different from our ways. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are His ways higher than your ways, and His thoughts than your thoughts (Isaiah 55: 8-9). Friend, it is high time you understood the ways and patterns of the Almighty.

Many of the prophecies hanging over your life, family, and ministry may never get fulfilled if you are not careful to understand God’s ways. Many times, in the agenda of God, great things starts small. “Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase.” (Job 8:7). Everything about God follows this pattern. Before sunlight is a twilight. Before a baby is formed, just one spermatozoa from a man is needed out of many in the uterus. Just one seed of grain planted into the soil gives birth too many curbs of maize, just to mention but a few.

That dream business would have grown had you started with the loan of #10,000 ($25) given to you by your friend many years ago. You despised that seed and killed your harvest. 10 years down the lane, your finances is still struggling. If you don’t change that perspective of a mega wedding which though not bad in itself, but you cannot afford, you may spend very many years in singlehood. Mind you, some life blessings are only made manifest when the two become one flesh.

You keep complaining that there is no time yet you have remained on the same salary scale for donkey years. When will you take that professional certification? Your healing will continue to elude you because your mind has been conditioned unscripturally. Had you received in faith the sent word from God through your Pastor when he prayed for you, you would have long come out of that terminal illness. Faith solutions always don’t seems to match the problem. How can a captain of an entire host of Syria be instructed to go bath in a dirty river before he can be healed. Weird, right? That’s God for you, beloved. Again, His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are far higher than our thoughts. Only obey. Take that seemingly small step today.

Quote: Many work for God but few walk with God. 

Prophetic Decree: No occultic decree over your health shall prosper, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Thank you Father for your amazing grace over my life, in Jesus name.

2. Today, I declare that I am healed in Jesus name.

3. I break every authority of darkness over my mind, in Jesus name.

4. O Lord, please help me to understand your ways, in Jesus name.

5. I speak to the earth, the sun, the moon, the stars, vomit my breakthrough this quarter, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 1 Samuel 4-8

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