DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post March
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Sunday, 5th March, 2023

Bible Reading: Galatians 6:9, 1 Corinthians 3:6

Memory Verse: Let us not grow weary or become discouraged in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap, if we do not give in.  Galatians 6:9 (AMP)

There was an evangelist who organized a program. He fasted and prayed for a long time so that there will be a massive harvest of souls in the program.

When the day of the program arrived and it was time for the altar call, only one young boy came out crying as he accepted Jesus.

When the evangelist arrived home, he cried and asked God why it was only a young boy that accepted Jesus despite all his prayers and fasting. Years later, the evangelist met the daughter of the young boy that accepted Jesus in the program and the daughter told the evangelist that he was the one that led her father to Jesus and her father is BILLY GRAHAM.

Yes, Evangelist Billy Graham, the man who led millions of souls to Jesus. So while the evangelist was crying thinking it was just a young boy that accepted Jesus at his program, what he didn’t know is that years later that young boy will in turn lead millions to Jesus.

Dear one that is tirelessly working for Jesus, I want you to be greatly encouraged. You might feel what you are doing is small. You might feel that what you are doing is not big enough. But, you might never know to what extent your life is blessing others. Wherever you go, whenever you get the chance, lead people to Jesus, even if it is just one person. Don’t look down on the number, lead the person to Christ because you might never know if that one person you are leading to Jesus is the one that will lead thousands, millions and generations to Jesus.

Sometimes ago, a video was circulating on the social media of a Pastor who wanted to commit suicide because in his words, “my mates have gone ahead of me in ministry”. This life is one man’s turn then another. When it isn’t your time, do well to stay in faith. He that believes does not make haste (Isaiah 28:16b). The virtue of patience goes beyond waiting on God. Most importantly, patience talks about our attitude in our time of waiting.

Quote: There is nothing as small Christian service. What is important is that your service is acceptable to God.

Prophetic Decree: Receive grace to follow patiently your destiny time table, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. I receive grace for sacrificial Christian service, in Jesus name.

2. I receive grace never to give up on God and in His abilities in my life, in Jesus name.

3. I receive grace to endure till the end, in Jesus name.

4. Holy Spirit, please help me to understand the boundaries of my exploits per time, in Jesus name.

5. Holy Spirit, please help me to understand my destiny timing so that I will not faint in my sacrificial service for Jesus.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Numbers 23-25

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