DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post January
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Tuesday, 16th January 2024

Bible Reading: 1 John 2: 15-17

Memory Verse:  For I am ready to set things right, not in the distant future, but right now! I am ready to save Jerusalem and show my glory to Israel. Isaiah 46:13 (NLT)

My brother, Apostle Christian Nwoke wrote: When Awilo Longomba released his album in 1998, the spirit of makossa took over our Churches. The dance step of several persons changed to makossa during Praise time. We called it “Makossa for Jesus”. The singer, Olu maintain came with Yahozee around 2007 and many tongue speakers joined the chorus of lifting fingers in the air doing the yahozee dance. We called it “yahoozee for God”. Azonto came with its wind and men and brethren started dancing with their waist moving backwards.

We called it “Azonto for the Lord”. Beloved, anybody that tells you that Babylon isn’t civilising the African Church isn’t telling you the truth. The civilization has been ongoing for decades. The Church in Europe and America was first invaded, now the Church in Africa which is the hope of the end time revival is spiritually trading in dirty waters. We can’t be waiting for Indian hemp smokers from the streets of Babylon to teach us how to dance and sing Praises to the God of Zion.

We can’t be deceiving ourselves with “It is Well” when all is not truly well with our consecration as the Ekklesia. I heard in scriptures that the early Apostles turned the world upside down, now the world seems to be turning the Church upside down. Do the people in night clubs sing hymns to God with genuine repentance just like we are dancing their dances in our revival meetings? It’s obvious that Babylon is cheating us today. The spirit of compromise has dried up the little pentecostal wine we have inside our wine skin.

And it is a sad thing that even though we shout empty shouts of revival, it is BBNaija type of revival many preachers know today. The well is too shallow, it can’t hold living waters. Go back and tarry; dig that spiritual well until it is deep again. You can’t afford to take a generation to hell with that your secular Gospel. The water is now corrupted that those who drink of it go back with sin license and believing that the matters of Consecration in Zion is a civilian affair.

When are we going to turn the world upside down as the early Apostles did by passing our civilization of righteousness to the world? Don’t tell me about Revival because if you see genuine Revival you will fight it. We are still far, very far from the Spirit of Consecration. If we know the love of God, we will know that we can’t love God and love Babylon at the same time. We are not ready for revival. Our vessel is not ready to drink and to serve this PURE WINE, yet the harvest is almost over. But, it is time. It is time to return our vessels to the Lord and say; “Here am I Lord, FILL ME and USE ME…”

Quote: Entertainment is the devil’s substitute for joy. The more joy you have in the Lord the less entertainment you need — Leonard Ravenhill.

Prophetic Decree: May the Lord revive His Church in the midst of the years, in Jesus name. 

Prayer Focus 

1. O Lord, we repent of the embarrassment we have brought upon your name in the modern day Church

2. O Lord, purge your Church. Free us from the entanglement of this passing world, in Jesus name.

3. My Father, please help us to discern the little devices the devil is using to leak away the fire of revival.

4. O Lord, give your Church a new wine skin filled with a new wine today, in Jesus name.

5. Here am I Lord, FILL ME and USE ME, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Genesis 12-15

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