DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post June
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Sat Jun 3, 2017

Bible reading:  2 Kings 4:1-7, 2 Thessalonians 3:10-13.
Memory Verse: Don’t you remember the rule we had when we lived with you? “If you don’t work, you don’t eat”. 2 Thessalonians 3:10 (MSG).
Not being aggressive enough to work the full capacity of your life is another academic and financial mistake that people make.
Ask yourself, in your education or anything you have to do: “Is this how big this thing can become?” There is no static position in God; the first picture painted of the Holy Spirit in the Bible is that He was moving (Gen. 1:2b). Know what you are doing per time. Don’t ever say, “I am doing nothing”. The rewards of your life comes in the “doing side” of your life.
Everybody has an installed capacity (just like cars are built with installed capacities). However, installed capacity is not the same as manifested capacity. Many people are not working enough to fill up the installed capacity of their destiny. Are you working to fill your capacity? Laziness is a curse; that’s why the Bible says he that does not work should not eat (2 Thes.3:10).
Every time you come to church and receive an impartation of grace, your capacity increases. What makes that capacity beneficial is when it is put to use to become a manifested capacity. Always know within yourself that you are more than this. Everything you will need to breakthrough in life, God already put inside of you, but until you stretch yourself, your best will never be realized.  He who is not ready to burn the midnight oil should not dream of becoming the best amongst his peers. Hardwork never kills, laziness does.
Is this all you can do? Ask yourself, “Is this all I can become this year?” “What grace, ability, wisdom and capacity has God put in me that I am yet to tap into?” Nobody must under work! No one is disadvantaged by Divine position; everyone is disadvantaged as a result of personal volition. What practical steps and decisions will you make this year to break off your present limits and set a new record? Never forget that the secret of your success is locked up in the capacity that God has given you.

Quote: Laziness rubbishes the Grace of God upon a man.

Prophetic Word: Receive a heart to value work, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus: Lord, I receive the practical wisdom and strategy to discharge and manifest every installed grace and capacity inside of me. I rebuke every spirit of laziness from my life, I break forth on every side in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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