DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post October
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Saturday, 9th October, 2021

Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 3:24, Psalm 40:5

Memory VerseFor the Mighty One has done great things for me; And holy is His name. Luke 1:49 (NIV)

Ferdinand Magellan and his crew in 1519 set out to discover the shape of the earth by travelling several miles by sea. They soon concluded that the earth was spherical and not rectangular. He should have saved himself and his crew the unnecessary labour by taking solace in the scriptures which says, “God sits above the circle of the earth” (Isaiah 40:22 NLT). God will forever be ahead of Science. Creation is finished, but discovery is unfinished. This mighty God! Scientists say that with the way the earth was articulately planned, it is obvious that there is an invisible hand somewhere that masterminded it. 

What a great architectural masterpiece. Look at the oceans, the mountains, etc. How can the earth be founded on water and yet stable? What a mighty God! Our God is first in everything. As the first fashion designer, He made clothes from animal skins for Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden out of His abundance of mercies even after they had erred. Our God was the first Surgeon. He surgically brought out a rib from Adam and made Eve out of it. Our God was the first Botanist and Zoologist. He gave Adam the inspiration to name and classify plants and animals. Our God is a meticulous, well detailed planner.

He had a plan for the second Adam even before the fall of the first Adam. He is the revealer of deep secrets (Jer 33:3). “At the blast of His breath, the bottom of the sea could be seen, and the foundations of the earth were laid bare.” {Psalm 18:15 (NLT)}. “The voice of His thunder was in the heaven: the lightnings lightened the world: the earth trembled and shook.” {Psalm 77:18(KJV)} Indeed, everything, all we have and all we will be takes its source and derives its usefulness from Him. Indeed You reign, You ancient Zion king, and You are mighty on your throne. What You cannot do does not exist. Friend, today I want you to begin to magnify the Lord above your problems and challenges. He has been there before the beginning of all things. Your challenges cannot take Him by surprise.

Quote: The Almighty does mighty things.

Prophetic Decree: This same mighty God shall be mighty over all the problems confronting your life, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Jehovah El-Gibbor, the Lord who is Mighty, we thank You

2. As I have reverenced your majesty through today’s devotional, O Lord please crush all stubborn problems in my life.

3. I receive spiritual intelligence to navigate this earth, in Jesus name.

4. I receive the wisdom of God to discomfit the wickedness surrounding my life, in Jesus name.

5. Opportunity wasters, be wasted, in Jesus name.

6. Almighty God, crush my problems today by Your might, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Matthew 12:1-21; Mark 3; Luke 6

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