DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post May
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Tuesday, 30th May 2023

Bible Reading: Mark 11:23, Psalm 97:5, Isaiah 40:31

Memory Verse Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the LORD, who has compassion on you. Isaiah 54:10 (NIV)

After working for some time as a private school teacher, I enrolled with ICAN. I passed my ATS and moved up to the PE… Midway, I enrolled for a degree in Religious Studies/Theology in a Theological Seminary which was affiliated with OOU. I was running both together, still teaching and doing village outreaches. Whatever little education I obtained, it was not like going full-time to any higher institutions, although my final year project was supervised by a Professor from UI. I was working -studying.

Today, each time I see students in colleges of education, polytechnics, universities and more, I envy them a lot. Maybe that is why my love and respect for them are unquenchable. Now, each time I find myself preaching to scholars, professionals and professors in and outside of my country (with whichever little way I could express myself in English Language), I always feel as if this is what the devil wanted to stop.

Lesson: Not all mountains of life will shift and move into the ocean. The same Bible that teaches us to command our ‘mountains’ to shift also promises us grace to mount on ‘mountains’ with wings like an eagle. It’s no contradiction. It only means some ‘mountains’ will shift with a stroke of prayer while some are meant to be climbed. I use ‘mountain’ here figuratively to mean problems and critical obstacles of life. Whether a ‘mountain’ shifts or it is climbed, the most important thing is for us to arrive at where Jehovah wants us to be. There are prospects in every problem if properly dissected.

QuoteMountains can either sink, cleared away, or jumped over. 

Prophetic Decree: Whichever way, no mountain shall be able to stop or hinder you, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Thank you Father because there is no matter bigger than Your, Lord.

2. Sing the song: “Bigger than all my problems. Bigger than everything. God is bigger than every mountains cannot cannot see”.

3. I come against the mountain of financial hardship, in Jesus name.

4. I come against the mountain of sickness and infirmity, in Jesus name.

5. I come against the mountain of barrenness, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Psalm 119:1-88

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