DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post August
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Tuesday, 2nd August, 2022

Bible Reading:  Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

Memory Verse:  We must quickly carry out the tasks assigned us by the one who sent us. The night is coming, and then no one can work. John 9:4 (NLT)

A Pharmacist in training came about two minutes late to an examination hall. The Professor in charge stood his ground that he will not write the examination. He told him succinctly, “Few seconds lateness is too much to lose a life”. Since then, he never came late for any event. Again, it was widely reported that a particular king was to hold a conference in London by 10am. He didn’t get there until 2pm. By then, all the journalists had left. Africans generally have what is called Coloured Peoples’ Time (CPT). They hardly come early to work or any social event. An African was to host the Australian Prime Minister by 11am. The latter was there. The African didn’t appear until 2pm. This attitude must change as Christians.

Worst still, we come late to the house of God. We take a lot of things for granted. Don’t you know that there are certain angels on special assignment at the beginning of every service? Stop missing your blessings. You wouldn’t try to miss your flight or go late to work when you know the aftermath consequences. Why take God for granted? Mind you, the only thing that truly honours God in any service is the praise and worship session which usually comes just at the beginning of the service. Your lateness consequently robs God of his food (worship). God dwells in the praises of his people. This is one reason why some people haven’t been able to have a regular time with God in their Quiet time. Have you noticed the people of other religion? Even while on a tour, or in a government facility, as soon as it was time for their prayers, they unashamedly do it bowing down.

What a godly reference! The message of grace has beclouded the reasoning of most Christians. Grace shouldn’t sponsor lack of fear and dishonour unto the Lord. However, God is raising a new generation of people and leaders. There are Churches where when workers come late, no matter your position or assignment for the day, you will not minister. That’s godly discipline. Dr Charles Apoki once had an appointment with his biological daughter for a tour. He called to remind her on two different occasion. His daughter didn’t meet up. As a man of principle that he is, he left her behind without sentiment and went alone.

A brother paid $100 for a Church conference. He arrived late for the conference. It is worthy to note that by the grace of God, he didn’t attend the conference as the gate was shut. That’s godly discipline. There is no sympathy in growth. An army that has sympathy and lousiness will be defeated no matter the armament. Give God some honour. Show some respect. Walk in time integrity.

Quote: We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons – Jim Rohn. 

Prophetic Decree:  Your time on earth shall not be wasted, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. O Lord, I ask for your forgiveness and mercies in any way I have used your time for other mundane activities, in Jesus name.

2. O Lord, please deliver me from activities that steal my time.

3. My time on earth shall not be wasted, in Jesus name.

4. Time killers, depart from me, in Jesus name.

5. I receive grace for time discipline. I shall not miss destiny changing opportunities, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  2 Kings 20-21

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