DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post January
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Saturday, 6th January, 2018.

Bible Reading:  Eph. 5:15-17

Memory Verse:  Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them. Ecclesiastes 12:1

Time is a gift from God. Time is precious. Time is priceless and free. Time knows no partiality. Time remains the same to the poor and the rich. It is the same to the young and the old. Time could be spent or used. Time well spent results in achievement of goals, dreams and ambitions. Time well spent can translate into wealth and health. Time well spent results in progress and prosperity. Time naturally can only be used but cannot be recycled. Time flies never to return. Never say “There’s still time” or “Maybe next time” because next time, you may miss Time and see only her footprints called “Too late”. Do not procrastinate. Time can be given as a gift because it heals, encourages, inspires; bringing joy and happiness. Time teaches life lessons. Don’t waste your time. Take good care of your time today and it will secure your tomorrow. Time is best invested and not spent.  Time is given to you by God, do well to give some back to Him. Invest time in prayer, meditation on God’s Word, and benefiting mankind today.

Your teenage and youthful age is the most important time in your life. Don’t waste it on the laps of Delilah (prostitutes & strange women), alcohol, drugs, exuberance, truancy, carelessness, etc. Time wasted results in a wasted life. Time is best invested in education, training, mentorship and preparation for a glorious future.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Job 10 – 13

Quote: Time is an essential commodity which when wasted may never be recovered back.

Prophetic Decree: You are exempted from all powers that waste destinies in your family in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus:

  1. Activities of time wasters in my life, die, in Jesus name.
  2. I rebuke every foundational power killing my time, in Jesus name.
  3. I receive grace to understand times and seasons in my life, in Jesus name.
  4. Father, give me the grace to live with the consciousness of my destiny in view, in Jesus name.
  5. Destiny wasters, die, in the name of Jesus.

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