DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post January
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Sunday, 3rd January, 2021.

Bible Reading: 3 John 2, Hebrews 12:14-16

Memory Verse: Beloved, I pray that in every way you may prosper and enjoy good health, as your soul also prospers. 3 John 1:2 (BSB)

It is one thing to be healed physically; it is another thing to be healed spiritually and emotionally. Man is composite. He is a spirit having a soul, living in a body.

Three things:

1. It is God’s desire for you to walk in health.

2. Sometimes, the root of infirmity is deeper than the natural. There are physical infirmities with spiritual roots e.g. the woman who was bent for 18 years (Lk 13:10-17).

3. Sometimes, it takes more than healing to walk in health. Atimes, it takes a total lifestyle change to walk in health. Physical changes include sleeping well, eating balanced nutritious diet, exercising, no alcohol, etc. Spiritual changes include desisting from sin (John 5:14), strategic health prayers, etc.

Common Diagnosis That Affect Our Total Well being

1. BITTERNESS (Heb. 12:14-15): The root of bitterness is a troubler of destiny. Bitterness will block your access to God and hurt your health. Jilt, betrayal, attack, disappointment, etc., all amount to invisible bruises. Many are suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This means that the pain and bruises of their past is affecting their present emotional balance. Such persons could experience eating disorders, become easily irritable, withdrawn, secluded, easily nauseated, temperous, etc., all due to emotional scars. Emotional scars atimes are more difficult to treat because they cannot be seen but felt; you can’t see the cause but you can see the damaging effects.

When people are wounded they could get bitter even against God, get bitter against themselves and/or get bitter against the person that hurt them. Job’s wife told her husband, “Curse God and die”. Others even get bitter against themselves. Imagine a young girl who was used and dumped by a guy who got her pregnant and absconded. She could detest herself for submitting to such stupidity. Others were raped and couldn’t forgive themselves and consequently, have been bitter against themselves. Brethren, the root of bitterness will trouble you and defile you and make you lose your health. I speak peace into your embittered soul, in Jesus name.

Quote: Those who say they will settle a case in heaven are still embittered and may never get to heaven.

Prophetic Decree: Receive peace like a river in your soul, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Thank you Father for your love and grace, in Jesus name.

2. I break any idol of bitterness in my soul, in Jesus name.

3. Ancient of days, break any stronghold in my mind, in Jesus name.

4. Hammer of the Lord, break my heart of stone and make it a heart of flesh, in Jesus name.

5. My past, hear the voice of peace amidst raging storms, in Jesus name.


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