DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post January
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JAN 26, 2020

Bible Reading: Exodus 3: 1-4

Memory Verse:And Moses said, I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt. Exodus 3:3

You have read the story of Nnamdi Ezeigbo. The man who refused to allow life give him a technical knockout after two years of searching fruitlessly for jobs. He went ahead to start the repair and sales of computer parts before he moved over to selling phones. Today, he is the CEO of Infinix, Techno and Slots. I bring a challenge to you again today: What is in your hands? You must also read about Ayo Dada. The young man who, with a little help from his Uncle, self-sponsored himself through the University of Lagos. He went ahead to make a CGPA of 5.00.

The Federal legislators were compelled to stand at ovation for him. Many graduates are unemployed especially in Africa. Would you want to join the ever increasing number? Let me ask you a question. What happens if right now your company downsize and you are affected? You must pray and plan, friend. Should there be no job after graduation, you must have a ready mind to produce one. Please develop a flexible mind. The primary purpose of education is to open your mind to self-discovery. Education may not necessarily give you a job. The rate of employment is becoming more alarming. In Nigeria, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said in its third quarter report of 2018 that the unemployment rate was 23.1 percent, the underemployment rate was 20.1 percent.

Tertiary institutions keep churning out both baked and unbaked graduates that the Economic market cannot absorb. In FCT Abuja, a tailor is making waves at the moment. He came out of school and instead of submitting CVs up and down, he decided to learn a trade in the area of his passion. He went for tailoring. Can you believe it? He has about 1,000 other tailors connected to him. The only limitation a man has is the limitation he has decided to put upon himself. There are angel investors willing to invest in your idea should you package it well. There are books within someone reading this devotional that will change your financial stand should you write them.

You remember Chimamandi Adichie who wrote the novel titled “Purple Hibiscus” on Nigeria post-colonial era in 2003? That singular book shot her into limelight. There are inventions right there inside of you. Do not allow the pride of tertiary institution’s certificate limit you. Get a degree and learn a skill. Be flexible. Money is only a medium of exchange. I see you flying. Parents also need to help their children discover, develop and harness their talents.

Quote: Money is only a reward for service. Be flexible.

Prophetic Decree: The spirit of poverty of your father’s house shall not catch up with you

Prayer Focus

1. Thank you Father, because you can never allow me to be stranded in life.

2. My Father reveal to me the project of my prosperity, in the name of Jesus.

3. I receive the courage to pursue the project of my prosperity, in Jesus name.

4. My certificate in witchcraft coven, come out by fire, in the name of Jesus.

5. Powers sitting on my certificates, be uprooted, in the name of Jesus.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Genesis 41-42

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