DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post May
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Mon May 15 2017

Bible reading: 2 Samuel 13: 1-14.

Memory Verse: Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good morals. 1 Corinthians 15:33 (NET)

A friend introduced another friend into a contract well able to rake in 60 Million Naira profit within the short project time frame. Alas, all he needed to do was to fill a form belonging to a secret society! This is a typical example of an unfriendly friend.

Let me ask you some questions: Who is your friend? What is the common ground of your friendship? Does he encourage you to playing games during school hours, “cruse with babes”, “flex around”, “gyrate with some gangsters”, “play with bottles” , steal and disregard constituted authority? Does he/she encourage you to jump over the school fence to take drugs, smoke weed, masturbate or have casual sex. These are blatant examples of a friend sent by the devil to ruin your life.

Listen to me: Friendship is not by force. Always have that at the front of your mind. We meet to part and we part to meet in life. The person you are following will determine what will follow you. Learn to say no to ungodliness and unrighteousness. Why please a friend to displease your Creator?

I called one of my colleagues at work on a particular day to tell him my observations about his friendship with another friend. This brother smells of weed anytime this other friend comes to work. He confided in me that this friend has a strong hold on him but he will cut off from him. Consequently, he broke the unprofitable friendship and he was free.

He is a worker in his Church but was bound to smoking weed because of an unfriendly friend. Do you have a bad friend as Jonadab was to Amnon in our Bible reading or a good friend as Jonathan was to David. Your friends either imprison your destiny or serve as destiny pillars.

“Choose you this day…” Joshua 24:15a

Quote: Friendship is not by force but by choice.

Prophetic Word: May your destiny attract the right friends and dispel wrong friends, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Every demonic magnet attracting me to the wrong friends, catch fire, in Jesus name.

2.  My destiny, reject friends like Amnon and attract friends like Jonathan, in Jesus name.

3. Every power calling my destiny from the grave, die, in the name of Jesus.

4. Holy Spirit, connect me to friends that will lift up my head, in Jesus name.

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