DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post May
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Sun May 21, 2017

Bible reading: 2 Corinthians 10:4-6

Memory Verse: This charge I commit to you, son Timothy, according to the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you may wage the good warfare. 1 Timothy 1:18 (NKJV)

I’m here to sound a battle cry. Many have “tarried so long on this mountain”. A Prophesy is a word spoken by God or by His anointed servant revealing the plan of God for an individual in the future. For how many years have you held unto the prophesy God said concerning your live without its manifestation?

A brother went for a prophetic service. The power of God was raw in the House. The man of God had indeed been prepared by God. He decreed into our brother’s life as it concerns the new term. He said he sees God upgrade his brain and outstanding academic success rush into his bosom. He laid his hands on him and anointed him with oil. Our dear brother received the prophesy in faith but did nothing to actualize it. His grades slowly declined. He began to question the genuineness of God’s servant.

Listen to me very carefully. Immediately heaven speaks a Word over your life, expect great opposition. The Elders have this saying that it is where you put honey that flies gathers. The honey in this case is the prophetic words that have gone out of the mouth of the man of God while the flies refer to “the spirit of Balzebub” – satanic contamination from the pit of hell. The devil will always give your prophesy a fight.

Apostle Paul in 1 Timothy 1:18 told Timothy that he should war (fight) to see that the prophesy which He has received from the Lord comes to fulfillment.

Prophesy could be delayed, manipulated, bewitched, maimed or killed. We are in serious warfare with the devil. You must keep your loins well guarded and enforce the fulfillment of every detail you have heard God say over your life, from the Bible and from His prophets.

“Christian! seek not yet repose, hear thy guardian angel say; Thou art in the midst of foes;

‘Watch and pray.'” There are powers that want to make God a liar over life. You must fight to keep them off. The battle of destiny is a serious fight and requires training, aptitude and skill. If you must enter into your Canaan filled with milk and honey, you must fight for what is yours.

Quote: The devil can only work as far as you let him.

Prophetic Word: Let the Holy Ghost fire roast all powers working against your prophesy, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Fire of deliverance, enter into my life, in Jesus name.

2. The spiritual earthquake that will deliver my prophesy, manifest by fire, in Jesus name.

3. I disappoint the devices of crafty witchcraft powers and I consume their cauldron (enterprise) by fire, in Jesus name.

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