DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post April
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Sun May 7, 2017

Bible reading: 2 Kings 3:20-27

Memory Verse: Gather my saints together unto me; those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice. Psalm 50:5

  1. Your time to study: Though you are baptized with the spirit of wisdom from God yet, you need to sit down to do some very serious reading. Thomas Edison said Genius is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration. Perspiration in this case means hardwork.
  •  Prayer and Fasting: You may have to break the yoke of non achievement, memory loss, failure at the edge of breakthrough, bad luck, ancestral convenant and curses, failure magnet, etc on the altar of prayers and fasting. The spiritual controls the physical.
  • Prophetic offering: On campus, I discovered my grade was nose diving. It began to sky rocket again when I sowed into the life of one of my fathers in the Faith. Give your way forward to a new level!
  •  Friends: You may have to “sacrifice” some of your friends. You do away with them. A friend who is not adding to you is subtracting from you. Friendship is not by force. You are who you walk with. Be careful of peer pressure.
  • Service to God: You must be actively involved in your Church/ campus fellowship. You beam God’s light of favour upon yourself via sacrificial service. Also, do the work of an evangelist.
  •  Your tithes and your offerings: To eat your tithe is to write a letter of invitation to devourers. Before you question God why your exam script was missing, be sure you are a faithful tither.

Quote: The soup of success is a combination of many ingredients.

Prophetic Word: I command every activity of witchcraft in your academics to catch fire, in the name of Jesus.

Prayer points

1. Anointing of Excellence, come upon me today, in the name of Jesus.

2. Strongman of non achievement in my foundation, die, in Jesus name.

3. Stronghold of academic limitation, scatter by thunder, in Jesus name.

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