DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post February
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FEB 7, 2020

Bible Reading: Mark 8: 36-39, 2 Peter 2:1-3

Memory Verse:Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth. Colossians 3:2(NLT)

The Bible is a complete package of God’s instruction unto mankind. We must be careful not to be lopsided in our approach. Fine, God has given some people some specific messages to their generation but, it is important to know that no message is complete in itself. What does your Pastor preach? Is it holiness, righteousness, healing, faith, success, deliverance, prosperity or leadership? Amazingly, the body of Christ needs all of these messages. Infact, you suffer defeat if you refuse to understand God’s principles guiding one or some of this. However, whatever anyone is called to preach, God’s message is simple, “Make my people ready for my coming”.

Many servants of God have departed from the path of the Cross. Many have been carried away by the blessings that followed the ministry and they no longer remember heaven at all nor thirst after it; talk less of teaching it to their congregation. Many have reduced the Gospel to 3Ps’ : Power, Prosperity and Possessions. Consequently, they end up raising a highly materialistic congregation who are experts in telling the people how to make it on earth but scarcely teach the bliss of heaven or the danger of hell and no one dare tries to correct them. They have become gods themselves.

When last did your Pastor teach on these things: Heaven, Rapture, Sanctification, Restitution, Worldliness, hell and judgement, forgiveness, care for the widow and poor, vain words, Christian dressing, integrity, humility, etc.? Yet, these are the things that will count at the end of your life when you stand before God. Many Churches have scrapped or reduced the efficacy of their Bible study, Sunday school, singing of hymns and solemn worship. No more vibrant and effective evangelism targeted at truly winning souls but that the Church should be full so that financial targets can be met. No matter how much you make, if you do not make heaven you have made the worst mistake. Set your affections on things that are above. Be heavenly focused.

Quote: If you do not make heaven, you have made the worst mistake.

Prophetic Decree: No power of hell shall break your heavenly focus, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Thank you Father for your Word of correction and revival.

2. Lord Jesus, help me to keep my mind on heavenly things, in Jesus name.

3. The world, its affections and lust shall not separate me from my heavenly vision, in Jesus name.

4. Nothing in this world shall separate me from the love of my Father, in Jesus name.

5. O Lord keep me steadfast, immoveable and always abounding, in You, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Exodus 25-27

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