DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post January
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Sunday, 8th January, 2017

Bible reading: Job 5:20-22

Memory Verse:“In famine he will deliver you from death, and in battle from the stroke of the sword”Job 5:20.

1. Hold Tightly to God in Faith: Those that know their God shall be strong and do exploits (Dan.11:32b). He that believe shall not make haste (Isa. 28:16).

2. Raise an Altar of Sacrifice to God: E.g. R.G. Letourneau, raised an altar of sacrifice to God by giving a mission offering when he was heavily in debt. The Lord responded from Zion and turned around his fortune.

3. Cut Down Your Expenses: Be wise in your spendings (Prov. 24:27).

4. Connect to the Grace of God Upon His Prophets:“Believe in the LORD your God, and you shall be established; believe His prophets, and you shall prosper”(2 Chro. 20:20b, NKJV).

5. Be a Faithful Worshipper, Giver and Tither: You can’t pay your tithe and your finances will be tight (Mal.3:10-12). It is our seed that assures us of a harvest not the state of the economy (Eccl. 11: 4 -6).

6. Diversify Your Income: Learn a trade or a new skill even as a student, (Eccl. 11:1-2). Dr.OluwoAdedunmola is a 24-yr-old Nigerian who finished Medical school in Europe. She has four businesses!

7. Think Outside of the Box: People honour and pay for quality service rendered.

8. Do not be Afraid (2 Tim.1:8): Fear, doubt and unbelief are associates and they chokes our faith.

Quote:  Redistribution of wealth takes place during recession.

Prophetic Word: May you be among the anointed that will inherit the earth in Jesus name.

Prayer point:

1. Father, baptize me with wisdom to live above all situations, in Jesus name.

2. Holy Spirit baptize me with Your creative power and sheer will power to act as You inspire me, in Jesus name.

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