DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post March
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Monday, 18th March 2024

Bible Reading: Jeremiah 32: 26-27
Memory Verse: God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1(NKJV)

Shall we be sincere with ourselves? There are certain problems that come our way which we don’t have the capacity to handle. They are shrouded in deep mystery. Hence, we need the help of other genuine co-labourers with perhaps greater anointing and deeper spiritual mastery to unravel. Nevertheless, be wary of fake pastors and prophets who parade themselves as shepherd but are ravenous wolves. Let God lead you. Don’t lose your confidence in God in such seasons. Daniel 11:32b says “…but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.”

What do you do when life seems hard ?
1.Go for a retreat (Prov. 25:1): No soldier remains in the war front indefinitely. Learn to take a break if you need to. Jesus constantly withdrew from the crowd in order to be alone with God. Many times, God is found in the secret when life battles seems tough. The Bible calls it ‘the secret place of the Almighty.’ (Psalm 91).

2.Be sensitive to specific instructions (Deuteronomy 28:1): All your destiny is waiting for may be one or two instructions that will dissolve the darkness surrounding your life. Then, a ray of new light and new possibilities emerge. Once you trap such instructions, please run with it even if you don’t fully understand.

3.Connect to your Prophet (2 Chronicles 20:20): The presence of fake prophets confirms to you that there are also genuine prophets. No one fakes what doesn’t have an original. Who is your Prophet(ess)? A prophet arrives into your future before you arrive there, and have the spiritual authority to bring you there. That prayer point you have been praying for many years may only need a word from your prophet to convert it to performance. Your prophet is that person that enthrones you on the seat of destiny and equally gives your life a specific direction. Not every road leads to your own destination.

  1. Raise a battle seed (2 kings 3): When the King of Moab was confronted with a great battle, he sacrificed his first son – the very heir of the throne, and the battle suddenly came to an illogical conclusion. Hear me beloved: The only thing spirits understand is sacrifice. You mobilize and provoke spirits by sacrifice. There are commanded sacrifices as instructed by the Spirit of the Lord, and there are self-motivated sacrifices sponsored by your understanding of how the spirit realm operate.

Quote: No matter how hard, there is a spiritual intelligence to be deployed out of your problem.

Prophetic Decree:  May a word of wisdom crystallise out of your spirit that will lead you out of your present predicament, in Jesus name. 

Prayer Focus

  1. Sing: Behold I am the Lord, the Lord of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for you.
  2. O Lord of divine encounter, encounter me as I seek your face over (mention the situation), in Jesus name.
  3. My ears in the spirit, my eyes in the spirit, my nose in the spirit, receive divine sensitivity to trap the solution to my problems, in Jesus name.
  4. Merciful Father, lead me to my Prophet per time who will unravel the mysteries surrounding my life, in Jesus name.
  5. I receive the inspiration and the will to sow a battle seed that will turn-around my situation, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Deuteronomy 21-23

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