DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post March
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Tuesday, 19th March 2024

Bible Reading: Habakkuk 3: 17-19
Memory Verse: ‘Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’ Jeremiah 33:3 (NKJV)

…Continued from yesterday. Other things to be done when life seems hard include:
4.Raise a memorial of kingdom service: When the spirit of death was knocking on the doors of king Hezekiah, he reminded God of how he had served Him wholeheartedly and in truth (2 kings 20:1-6). Who told you God cannot change his mind as a result of a man’s sacrifice? Again, the only thing spirits understand is sacrifice. Remind God of your sacrifice in tithe, offering, kingdom evangelism, intercession, and other duties done to see his kingdom expand on earth, and watch him turn the battle against your enemies.

5.Pray around the clock: Pray by the hour. You will observe that there are specific times prayers were offered in the Bible. The Gospels and Acts talked about praying at the third, sixth, and ninth hours—respectively referring to three hours after sunrise which is 9am, 12 noon, and three hours after noon which is 3pm. Pentecost happened at the third hour (Acts 2:15). Peter had his rooftop vision of clean and unclean animals while praying at the sixth hour (Acts 10: 9-16). When Jesus died at Calvary, darkness fell upon the earth between the 6th hour (12noon) and 9th hour (3pm) in Matthew 27:45. It seems to me that there are specific times of predictable angelic manifestation and strategic divine encounters. Maximize such hours in heartfelt prayers.

  1. Sacrificial Praise: If you sing and dance to a mortal man, he will be obliged to listen to your plea. How much more when you sing and dance to an immortal God sacrificially. Sacrificial Praise is praise offered to God even in the midst of your pain and battles. It is no more about what He has done, but about who He is (Habakkuk 3:17-19). Also read 2 Chronicles 20.
  2. Change spiritual weapons: Sometimes you need to go to the spiritual armoury of heaven and change weapon. As you search through the Scriptures you will discover that God uses different type of weapon. Thunder (Job 37:2), brimstone (Gen.19: 24-25), hailstones (Ezekiel 17:17), noise (2 kings 7:6), terror (Exodus 23:27), spiritual earthquake (Numbers 26:1-25), East wind (Exodus 14:21, Psalm 48:7), curses, just to mention but a few. Send an surprise missile of mass destruction to the camp of your enemies today.

Quote:  Always mystify, mislead, and surprise the enemy if possible.

Prophetic Decree: After the order of Dathan, Korah, and Abiram, let the ground open and swallow your problems, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

  1. I send a spiritual earthquake into the camp of my enemies for my total break through, in Jesus name.
  2. My hard problems, collide with the Rock of Ages today, in Jesus name.
  3. O Lord, please remember my sacrifices and kingdom labour. Let it ascend to heaven as a memorial unto You, in Jesus name.
  4. After the order of King Hezekiah and the Israelites, my worship shall discomfit the pride of my stubborn pursuers, in Jesus name.
  5. Every impossibility in my life, give way today at the appearance of Jesus, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Deuteronomy 24-27

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