DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post February
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Wednesday, 21st February 2024

Bible Reading: Revelation 22:12, 2 Corinthians 10:12

Memory VerseBut you are not to be like that. Instead, the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves. Luke 22:26 (NIV)

Who is greater? Is it the Apostle who walks tremendously in the power of God, performs miraculous signs and wonders, and hosts crusades gathering large crowds all over the world? Or, the intercessor who may be somewhere unknown, playing effectively his/her role of standing in the gap in prayers for families, nations and some of the people who may be the ones out there on the stage? Is it the missionary or evangelist, who travels from place to place, risking his/her life to preach and save souls even in insurgent countries?

Could it be the kingdom financier who though may never travel along with the missionaries or preach on the pulpit like the apostle, yet contributes to these possibilities by funding them? What about the believer who seemingly has no bearing to ministry, but is called to a completely different line of purpose, probably business, politics/leadership or even sports, but unashamedly represents Jesus there? Maybe the greater person in the sight of God has to be that music minister, who has ministered across different platforms and blessed several lives with their gift.

Going through all of these, who do you in your opinion consider to be the greatest? Or probably you’ve looked through the list and found something missing, something you consider should be the greater calling. Is there really a thing like a greater calling? We seem to live in a dispensation where people’s worth are seemingly measured by how “great” (in human terms) their ministry is or by the nature of their calling. So if someone is not holding the microphone preaching on the stage and pulling crowds, then he or she is not “great.”

And if someone is somewhat “lowly” and serving God faithfully probably as an intercessor or evangelist, some other persons in a hypocritical sense, may consider that person the actual believer because to them “it’s not about the crowd”. All of these are just human perceptions of greatness. I tell you, before God, what matters the most is that you do what He has sent you to do.

So whether yours is to preach to crowds or sing across global platforms or travel as a missionary or stand in the gap as an unknown intercessor or to represent him in other spheres of influence or whatever it may be, the most important thing is that YOU CONTRIBUTE YOUR QUOTA TO REPRESENT CHRIST. Both the man who traded 5 talents and the one who traded 2, were called “good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:14-30). Stop using human perspective to determine the greatness of a man’s ministry because we will be judged, not based on what we did, but based on what we were called to do. Let every man find his own path, and walk in it. Whatever it is, the goal remains CHRIST.

Quote: Your sole responsibility on earth is to discover and stay within your assignment. That’s all!

Prophetic Decree: Receive grace to stay on track, not comparing yourself to another, in Jesus. 

Prayer Focus

1. Lord, I am sorry for my part in the delusion that has bedevilled the body of Christ.

2. Lord, create in me a new heart, and a right perspective to kingdom labour and reward, in Jesus name.

3. I repent of all superiority mentality complex towards kingdom labour, in Jesus name.

4. O Lord, please help me to discover and to stay within my destiny assignment, in Jesus name.

5. O Lord, please help me to discover and stay within my grace, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:  Leviticus 24-25

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