DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post January
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Tuesday, 25th January, 2022

Memory VerseWhen Esau heard the words of his father, he cried with an exceedingly great and bitter cry, and said to his father, “Bless me—me also, O my father!” Genesis27:34(NKJV)

Destiny can be energized. Destiny can be boosted. Destiny can be fast tracked. Destiny can be propelled. All the aforementioned happens with ease when there is an anointed voice speaking over your head. However, the reverse is also true. Please don’t run the race of life alone. Who is speaking over your life? In Exodus 17: 8-13, even though we could see Joshua fighting the Amalekites, his victory or defeat was determined by the hands of Moses lifted up on top of the hill. There is more to see than the natural eyes can see. You are not sufficient in yourself.

In Genesis 27:3-4, Isaac desired to bless his first son Esau, but Jacob together with his mum Rebecca manipulated the blessing. As soon as Isaac pronounced the blessing on Jacob, there was nothing Esau could do any longer. It stuck. From then till now, we keep praying in the name of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob instead of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Esau.

In Genesis 48:13-20, you saw how Jacob crossed his hands while blessing Manasseh and Ephraim. His right hand on Ephraim made the younger brother the custodian of the sceptre of power and authority in the family. Spiritually, he became the first born.

In 2 Kings 5: 25-26, Gehazi took a cunning step. He covetously collected the gifts and monies brought by Naaman, captain of the Syria army. Unknowing to him that Elisha, the prophet who was in his secret chambers had seen it all. A curse was pronounced, and he became leprous.

Brethren the voice of the man speaking over your life will determine how far you will travel in your life’s journey. The voice of the prophet travelling with you in your journey in life will determine how prosperous you will become. I will advice that you discover the prophet over your life. Do well to always make His soul glad in blessing you.

Quote:  You don’t choose your spiritual father, you discover him by revelation.

Prophetic Decree: Every negative word hanging over your destiny is cancelled, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus

1. Thank you Father for your words of love, peace, and direction.

2. War of words hovering over my head for evil, scatter by fire, in Jesus name.

3. I scatter the scatterers and gather the gatherers assigned to my destiny, in Jesus name.

4. Powers that turns fathers against their sons, you shall not prosper over my life, in Jesus name.

5. I break out by fire from the evil cage any evil authority has kept me, in Jesus name.BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Genesis 38-40

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