DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post June
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Fri Jun 2, 2017

Bible reading: Hebrews 11:1-40.
Memory verse: Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at right hand of the
Throne of God. Hebrews 12:2 (BSB)
Faith simply means believing in God. Faith means trusting in God. Faith is absolute reliance in the power of God to do all things.

Faith is not a mental exercise to believe the impossible – believing what we know is not true. It is not believing ‘something’ at all. Faith is to believe in God with all of our heart (Rom.10:10). It is personal. In the Gospels, Jesus didn’t merely talk about believing something will happen rather He talks about believing in Him to make all things happen. Our destiny rests on faith. We are saved by faith. “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life.” John 3:36.
Ironically in the Church today, many believe in their Pastors and Prophets more than the God of His servants. There’s much emphasis on “my Pastor said” and “my prophet prophesied” in this present day. What has got God actually said? To who is your faith directed? Who is the subject of your faith?
We’re to honour our fathers in the faith, but they are never to be a substitute to our God who made them, nor are they to be the focus of our faith.
Some ministers aren’t helping the focus of our faith, either. They attribute every little exploit to themselves instead of to God. In no time, their suckling sheep begins to see them as a “Super Man of God”, taking their focus away from the God behind the exploits.  
Quote: The focus of our faith must only point to God.

Prophetic Word: The doctrine of the last days will not shift your focus from your Source, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus
My Father, help my focus. Help me to see your servants only through You, in Jesus name.
I reject every distraction to my faith, in Jesus name.
My Father, strengthen my faith and help me to be stand sure in You, in Jesus name.

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