DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post December
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Saturday, 19th December, 2020.

Bible Reading: Hebrews 11: 35-38

Memory VerseTherefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. 1 Corinthians 15:58 (NKJV)

When John Huss (1372 – 1415) was given the final chance to recount his belief before he was burnt at the stake, he said, “I call God to witness that all I have written and preached has been to rescue souls from sin. There can be no turning back. My Lord walked the path of truth and duty even though it took Him to Calvary. Can I, one of his humble followers turn back now?  To witness to God’s truth is more important than life. Joyfully then, will I confirm with my blood all my writings and preachings I have held. Then he prayed solemnly, “To thy hands O Lord, I commit my spirit”.

I keep wondering what this man saw that made them resolute, unshaken, immoveable and deeply convinced of their faith. Have you watched the video of how lions ate up some of these Saints, and their families to the amusement of the Emperor, his entourage and other non-practicing Christians in a stadium? Yet, they will not recount their faith. Lord, what happened in their heart that must happen in my heart such that I will love You unconditionally in thin and thick, in season and out of season? Look back in retrospect as this year comes to an end where you have failed God. Those subtle compromises you made in your school, office or at your place of work; and even in the Church.

Your boss threatened to sack you during the COVID-19 pandemic and quickly you submitted your body to appease him. Cheap compromise! Your lecturer threatened to fail you and you packaged a bribe to appease him saying, “give unto Ceasar what is Caesar”. Brother, your faith is weak. Be like that sister who looked at her lecturer to his eye ball and told him that should he decide to fail her because she refused to sleep with him, a disaster will befall his entire family because she is a child of the Most High. That’s the audacity needed to confront the work of darkness and stand on your faith in Christ Jesus. Of course, she had an A.

On another note, a brother gladly accepted to have an extra year when he missed just one examination in his final year and he decided he will not “play ball” as the lecturer suggested. Another chose to come out with a second class lower though he was close to the upper class and his Head of Department was willing to help for just $25. Your faith will not always lead you out of problems, dear friend. In fact, it will push you into some problems in order to value its worth. As this year rounds off, resolve not to nail Christ again to the Cross. Be resolute in faith. A faith that cost you nothing in this world will earn you nothing in eternity. Behold the faith of our fathers!

Quote: Faith is a living, daring confidence in God’s grace, so sure and certain that a man could stake his life on it a thousand times – MartinLuther

Prophetic Decree: Receive an unshakeable faith able to weather the storms of life, in Jesus name

Prayer Focus

1. I repent of any way I have denied You, O Lord of my convictions, in Jesus name.

2. I connect my heart to the altar of unquenchable fire of the Holy Ghost, in Jesus name.

3. I receive strong conviction of the Spirit of God in my heart to walk with God come what may, in Jesus name.

4. No wind of darkness shall blow away my faith, in Jesus name.

5. O Lord, make me stand firm in my convictions and faith against any storm of life, in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR:   Titus 1-3

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