DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post September
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Friday, 2nd September, 2022

Bible Reading: Psalm 121: 1-8

Memory VerseThe LORD will protect you and keep you safe from all dangers. Psalm 121:7 (CEV)

Other wisdom tips to avoid being kidnapped include:10. Keep emergency numbers: It is important to keep emergency numbers like contacts of Police that you can quickly call whenever you sense you are being monitored by kidnappers or you notice anything strange in your environment.

  1. Be wary of your environment: One of the major ways to avoid kidnapping is to be thoroughly vigilant and security conscious. This entails being aware of everything happening around you and your family every time. Vigilance keeps you alert when others are not.
  1. Always keep your phone handy: Keeping your phone with you at all times is very important as it can be a source of help when there is a threat of kidnap. Don’t just keep your phone with you but make sure you have airtime, no matter how little so that it can be useful in times of danger.
  1. When you notice a threat, attract the attention of people: Whenever you notice any threat of kidnap around you, attract the attention of people around to yourself by screaming or shouting. Keep doing this until you notice people have gathered around you and can come to your rescue.
  1. Let someone know where you’re going: If you must meet a new acquaintance, make sure someone knows where you’re going and who you’re meeting. Leave a message with a family member or friend where you’re headed and if possible, give the name of the person you’re about to meet and other details you might know.
  1. Be careful of the information you reveal on social media: Be careful not to reveal too much about yourself or your family members on social media. No need to flaunt new cars or houses. Never reveal addresses and be sure to turn off the GPS function on your smart phones. Don’t post on social media the places you frequent. Some people are unaware that Facebook and other sites reveal the specific location from where you are posting on social media.
  1. Keep your financial transactions confidential: Research shows that 7 out of 10 kidnappers always request that money be paid for the release of kidnap victims. These demands are mostly made because they believe the victims have the money at their disposal. So, they basically target people who either have access to a large sum of money or are rich. The most logical way to avoid these unnecessary attentions is not to reveal your financial history to anyone! Vital information like your bank statement of account should not be handled carelessly.

17. Avoid public donations: Don’t try to be a money bag in public. Do your best not to make donations in social gatherings such as in church, neighbourhood meetings, etc. If you donate publicly, you are giving people an indication of your wealth. Anonymous donations are the best.

Quote: Great damage are often avoidable by taking heed to simple instructions.

Prophetic Decree: A great host shallchase all kidnappers away from their hide out and set their captives free, in Jesus name – 2 Kings 7:6

Prayer Focus

1. We speak peace into the four corners of this nation, in Jesus name.

2. I bring an end to all pandemoniums, chaos, kidnapping, fire incidents, ritual killings, etc, in Jesus name.

3. Prince of Peace reign in this nation, in Jesus name.

4. Power of the underworld, break over this nation, in Jesus name.

5. We command shame and disgrace upon all sponsors of kidnapping, in Jesus name.

6. My family and I shall not be a victim of kidnappers in Jesus name.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Ezekiel 20-21

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