DWOJ Daily Words of Jesus Devotional Post September
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Tuesday, 19th September, 2023

Bible Reading: James 5: 14-16

Memory Verse:  For bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come. 1 Timothy 4:8 (NKJV)

There are attacks that come without invitation or even provocation. Such attacks could come upon a person’s health. It is possible to fall sick because of the devil’s attack on one’s health. Some people become sick because of their own carelessness. Furthermore, sin can be the reason for some sicknesses as well.

How Do You Recover From Sickness?

I. Confession and forgiveness of sins (James 5:16): Perhaps there is something you’re doing that has brought sickness into your body, or you have opened the door of affliction upon your health through sin, ask God to forgive you.

II. Prayer of faith (James 5:15): This is another recommended pathway to your healing. Someone higher than you in faith, or at the same level with you in faith agrees with you in prayers, and your health is restored. Don’t be unwise saying, “I don’t need anyone to pray with me”. That’s a statement of pride. Once you’re facing a situation and you perceive that your faith cannot carry it, find someone to agree with you in faith. This is called a Prayer of Agreement.

III. Scripture pills: You must learn to fight the devil who has come to fight your health through bible recitation. Search through the scriptures and shoot those scriptural bullet. Get an audio bible quotation about your health and healing. Keep reciting it until it becomes life in your spirit. 

IV. Balanced Diet: If only some people can stop eating junks and embrace meals containing all the six classes of nutrients, their health shall be restored.

V. Exercise: Maximize the physical exercise the Bible says profits little. It helps your blood circulation, detoxify your system, and makes you physically fit amongst other benefits. Take a walk, ride a bicycle, go to the gym, etc. Stay fit.

VI. Regular medical check-up: There is nothing bad having a regular checkup. There is nothing bad seeing your doctor or taking medication if your faith can no longer carry your health challenges. God is the source of all medical discoveries. The outcome will help you know where to focus your prayers. Please don’t die of ignorance.

QuoteThere are both physical and spiritual factors that help Mam to stay healthy.

Prophetic Decree: Move from divine healing to divine health, in Jesus name.

Prayer Focus 

1. Lord, I repent of anyway I might have opened my life to sickness and diseases, in Jesus name.

2. I withdraw any legal ground I have given to the devil against my health, in Jesus name.

3. I receive wisdom to manage my health properly, in Jesus name.

4. Holy Spirit, please help my taste buds to adjust to healthy food and healthy health practices, in Jesus name.

5. Let the Zoe life in me knock out any demon infested sickness and patterns in my Blood in Jesus name.


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