Tuesday, 27th December, 2016.
Bible reading: 2 Corinthians 10: 3-6.
Memory Verse: For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds. 2 Corinthians 10:4 (NKJV)
STUDENT: Sir, is it appropriate and Biblical to have urge for sex or have affection for the opposite gender? Ikenna asked.
TEACHER: Ikenna, do you feel hungry for food and thirst for water?
STUDENT: For sure, sir and such desires are inherent in us. Besides, I don’t joke with my tummy!
TEACHER: When you feel those desires for food and water and don’t have the wherewithal to satisfy it, would you steal to fulfil your desires?
STUDENT: No sir. I wouldn’t want to do that bringing shame to myself.
TEACHER: Hmmm! Very good! Now, Ikenna, just as hunger for food and water is inherent in man, so is the urge for sex or affection for the opposite sex an instinct within us as human being.
STUDENT: Hmmmm! I see.
TEACHER: Just as it is abnormal for a person not to feel hungry, so a matured student who doesn’t have sexual urge could be said to be abnormal.
There is a legitimate way to satisfy desires for food and water. In the same vein, God has provided an avenue to satisfy sexual urge which is called Marriage. If you satisfy that urge outside the circumference of marriage by watching pornography, masturbating, fornicating, prostituting, practising homosexualism, then it becomes a sin against God.
Key Point: God hasn’t given us appetites that cannot be controlled. Sexual purity is a possibility.
Prayer points:
- Sexual demons bombarding my heart with sexual thoughts, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
- Foundational powers of my father and mother’ house hunting my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus.