Thursday, 12th August, 2021
Bible Reading: Proverbs 24: 3-4
Memory Verse: And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32 (KJV)
Attitude they say determines altitude. Your attitude simply refers to your disposition or behaviour to a thing. Your attitude could be right or wrong. Some folks are in a season in their lives now when they are meant to concentrate more on learning than earning. While I believe the scripture which says the earnest expectations of the creatures awaits the manifestation of the sons of God (Romans 8:19). Now, the question is can you manifest what you haven’t acquired? Can an empty barrel bring out water? The truth of the Word of God must be sequentially arranged before it can make you free. Humble yourself. Learn the ropes on that job, trade, business, skill, etc, and your earnings will come effortlessly.
Sister, have you perfected your cooking skills even as you prepare for marriage? No matter how spiritual that brother seems, I’m sure he will love good food. A local adage says, “The way to a man’s heart is his mouth”. Learn that coupled with your prayers and fasting. By the way, Mr husband-to-be. How many books have you read on marriage? Hey brother, anointing alone is not enough to make marriage work. You need knowledge. Couples-to-be, what do you know about parenting, finances in the home, managing your emotions, and such like things, needed to make your home heaven on earth? Your preparation for a godly marriage must be holistic.
Prepare spiritually, mentally, emotionally, academically, financially, etc. In this 21st century, I will advice, don’t be too dependent on your spouse’s income. Find something doing no matter how small. Little is much when God is in it. Your refusal to know how to lay the bed may be the reason why you may have some misunderstanding with your spouse. Usually, little things not quickly nipped at the bud are responsible for misunderstandings in the home Please prepare yourself holistically. Again, don’t marry because of money, beauty or fame. All these are ephemeral. Marry the will of God for your life.
Marry because you love him/her. Marry because you have a purpose in the heart of God to fulfill together. Furthermore, the period of courtship should be the period of fine tuning your life goals together, knowing each other and investing in prayers and fastings too. Be careful of these seven pillars of marriage: Purpose, Effective communication, In-laws, Sex, Finance, Forgiveness and Love. God bless you and make your home a heaven on earth.
Quote: As you lay your bed so you lie on it.
Prophetic Decree: I cancel any ancient covenants that wreck marriages in your root, in Jesus name.
Prayer Focus
1. Author of marriage, I thank You.
2. I come against any anti marital covenant in my root, in Jesus name.
3. Anti-marital curses in my roots, break, in Jesus name.
4. O Lord, perfect my marriage, in Jesus name.
5. I will not miss the bone of my bones, in the name of Jesus.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 18-22